Listening To The Stimulus Of Income Tax Exemption From Sri Mulyani Due To COVID-19

JAKARTA - The government will provide relaxation for three types of taxes at the same time in order to maintain the domestic economy in the midst of the corona virus or COVID-19. The three types of taxes are Income Tax (PPh) Article 21, PPh Article 22, and PPh Article 25. This relaxation is targeted to take effect in April.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani said that the fiscal and non-fiscal policies were prepared as an effort for the industry to gain space in the current tight situation.

Sri Mulyani explained that this policy was the second form of stimulus prepared by the government to reduce the burden on industry in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak.

"It includes PPh article 21, which the government will bear for industry. Then import PPh 22 is also suspended. All these packages are expected to be carried out for a period of six months. Income tax article 25 is the same for six months, for the manufacturing industry, for industry and for accelerated VAT refunds," said Sri Mulyani, at the Office of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Banteng Field, Jakarta, Wednesday, March 11.

For information, PPh 21 is a tax on income in the form of salaries, wages, honoraria, allowances and other payments in any name and in any form related to work or position.

Meanwhile, PPh 22 is a relief from Corporate Income Tax for Importing Consumer Goods. Then, PPh 25 can be interpreted as a monthly tax for individuals and entities that have business activities.

According to Sri Mulyani, the non-fiscal package is also related to export-import issues. The government is currently discussing reduced limited prohibition (lartas) regulations. So that imports of raw materials are simpler and easier.

"Simplification or duplication such as several regulations in several ministries such as the Ministry of Trade, BPOM will later be simplified. Then more than 50 percent of the 749 HS codes have been removed. This is being finalized for regulations that must be prepared," he said.

Meanwhile, the Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto said the technicalities were indeed being prepared. Currently, the government is also reviewing import duties and evaluating the ease of import. Where, said Airlangga, would reduce or eliminate lartas in the manufacturing sector.

"Then also integrate the online system rather than services using the inaport system at the port and customs. This is a national logistics system, we will prepare it so that it can be completed immediately in order to facilitate imports. Now the technicality will be discussed again. The sectors, all manufacturing sectors," he said. .

Airlangga hopes that the second stimulus policy can be completed as soon as possible. "Hopefully April can do it," he concluded.