Car Glass Risk Too Dark: Watch Out, You Can Get A Ticket!

YOGYAKARTA - In cars, film glass is used to reduce the feeling of heat or glare due to exposure to sunlight while driving so that cabin temperature is maintained. In addition, dark film glass also plays a role so that the area inside the car does not appear from the outside so that drivers are more comfortable and privacy is more protected. Want to know what risks car film glass is too dark?

Dark film glasses also make the driver feel more comfortable than theft, because it doesn't appear from outside. If the car window is bright, it will be easier for the thief to see the situation in the car.

However, this matter cannot make us immediately free to turn the glass of our car film dark. The reason is, there are not only risks, there are also rules for the game.

Well, here are some risks of installing car windows too dark:

1. Potential to be caught on a ticket

Installing car film windows is too dark can pose a risk of being caught ticketed by the authorities. This is because the rules regarding the darkness of car films are regulated by the law of each country. Some countries have limits on the level of darkness of the allowed car film, so that if they exceed this limit they can potentially be caught ticketing and pay a fine that is not small.

2. Reduce Visibilities

Car film glasses are too dark to limit the visibility of drivers, especially in bad weather or at night. Too dark film glasses can block rays that enter the car, making it difficult for drivers to see the road and objects around them. This is very risky, especially when driving on busy roads. This situation could increase the risk of traffic accidents.

Not only that, film windows that are too dark can also limit the driver's vision when parking a vehicle in a place where there is little lighting. Drivers can find it difficult to see the parking line or objects around the car, thereby increasing the risk of it happening.

3. Lowering the Quality of Car Lights

Car film glasses are too dark to reduce the quality of the car lights. This will reduce the brightness and visibility of the lights, making it difficult for drivers to see the path they are facing. As a result, drivers may not be able to see obstacles or dangers that are clearly on the road.

4. Increase The Temperature In The Car

The mirror of a very black car film can increase the temperature in the car. When the car is exposed to direct sunlight, the mirror of the film wants to hold the heat and increase the temperature in the car. This is about to make the driver and passenger feel insecure, most importantly when driving for a long time or when the weather is very hot.

5. Potentially Hazardous Other Line Users

Car film windows are too dark can endanger other road users. Drivers who cannot clearly see the road will find it more difficult to avoid danger and can cause traffic accidents. Not only that, the mirror of the film is too dark to hide activities carried out in the car, such as driving in a drunken condition or driving at excessive speed.

6. Increase Crime Risk

Installation of car film mirrors is too dark can also increase the risk of the formation of crime in cars. Too dark film glasses can hide criminal activities carried out in cars, such as drug activity or hiding weapons. Not only that, thieves can easily see some valuable items in the car, such as bags, laptops, cellphones, and so on.

The increasing risk of this crime can cause considerable losses for car owners. Not only material losses, crime can also endanger the safety and safety of drivers and car passengers.

7. Violating the law

When the installation of car film windows is too dark to exceed the allowed thickness limit, this matter can violate traffic rules and local government regulations. The rules for film glass thickness vary in each country, but usually, the thickness limit allowed ranges from 20% to 70%.

If the film glass is too dark, the driver can be fined or even ticketed by the authorities. This will certainly cause losses for the driver and can worsen their financial situation. Not only that, this matter can also affect the reputation of the driver, because it violates traffic rules and risks the safety of yourself and others on the highway. Therefore, before installing the film glass on the car, you should check and make sure that the thickness of the film glass is in accordance with applicable regulations.

Therefore, you should carefully consider before installing the car movie glass. Consider the applicable rules and limits and potential due to the bad that can occur due to the film glass is not too dark. It is better to sort out the film glass that suits your needs and is comfortable for the driver as well as the passengers of the car and other road users.

In addition, it is good for you to also read 'Tips Car Car Caring For Windows In The Rainy Season' so that the glass is always clear.

So after knowing the risk of car film windows being too dark, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!