KPU Ensures Demak Will Vulnerable Votes, Paniai Papua Is Still Waiting For The Regional KPU

The General Election Commission (KPU) has confirmed that the 2024 General Election in Demak, Central Java will vote further.

The vote in Demak had to be postponed or further voting was imposed because 9 villages were still flooded.

"Demak is currently still affected by flooding, therefore there will be further voting, affected by 9 villages," said KPU Commissioner Idham Holik at the KPU office, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, February 13.

In the near future the Demak Regency KPU will submit further information to the KPU regarding the re-voting date.

This is because the Demak Regency General Election Commission and the Central Java Provincial KPU are still coordinating with the government so that floods can be immediately issued, so that the implementation of voting and vote counting can be carried out.

As for the Paniai Papua area, the KPU has not been able to confirm further voting.

"We are still waiting for information from Paniai Regency, and we will convey information to media colleagues," explained Idham.

Idham said the local KPU tonight was still in a meeting with stakeholders.

"We ask to immediately submit a report to the KPU and follow Articles 110 and 111 of KPU regulations number 25 of 2023," said Idham.

Article 110 paragraph 1 reads, part or entire electoral districts riots, security disturbances, natural disasters, or other disturbances that result in all stages of voting and/or vote counting cannot be carried out, voting and/or further vote counting.

Meanwhile, in Article 111 paragraph 1 it is explained, the voting and/or the counting of further votes or follow-up as referred to in Article 109 and Article 110 is carried out after the determination of the postponement.

It was reported that there was an incident of destruction of the 2024 election logistics in Paniai, Central Papua, the destruction was allegedly carried out by residents by burning and throwing them into the river.

KPU member Mochammad Afifuddin confirmed the incident. He called the ballots for 24 districts in the Central Papua region with a total of 120,352 ballots.