3 Differences In Stunting And Malnutrition: Causes, Characteristics And Impacts For Health

YOGYAKARTA Some of us may think stunting is a malnutrition. In fact, both are different nutritional problems. Differences in stunting and malnutrition can be recognized through three things, namely the causes, characteristics, and impacts on health.

Before knowing the differences between the two nutritional problems above, it's a good idea to know what stunting and malnutrition are. Come on, see the full explanation below.

Quoted from AI-Care, stunting is a growth and development disorder in children caused by chronic malnutrition so that their height is shorter than the standard for children of their age.

Meanwhile, what is meant by malnutrition is a condition in which the body lacks vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients needed to maintain the health of the tissue and function of the organs.

Children who are malnourished generally look shorter than children their age, the stomach looks bloating, looks lethargic, and the immune system is weak.

Previously, it had been mentioned that the difference in stunting could be recognized through its causes, characteristics, and impacts on health. Here's the full explanation.

1. Differences in stunting and malnutrition in terms of causes

Still from AI-Care, there are several things that cause children to experience stunting, including:

Meanwhile, in poor nutrition, the main cause is the lack of nutritional food intake according to the needs of each child's age group. In addition, malnutrition in children can also be caused by disorders of nutritional absorption due to chronic diseases, such as chronic diarrhea and tuberculosis.

2. Differences in stunting and malnutrition based on their characteristics

In stunting, malnutrition can affect children's linear growth or height. Stunting in children can be recognized through the following characteristics.

Meanwhile, the characteristics of children who are malnourished include:

3. Differences in stunting and malnutrition in terms of their impact on health

Stunting that is not treated immediately can make aak experience body failure. Most stunting is irreversible or permanent, where children cannot get normal height. In addition, stunting children are also more susceptible to disease.

While in malnutrition, the impact is that children are at risk of developing growth and development disorders, cognitive function disorders, severe dehydration, hypothermia, anemia, contracting various infectious diseases, to death.

That's information about differences in stunting and malnutrition. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.