Bripka CS Drunk Shooting People At RM Cafe, Police Issues Senpi Supervision Order

JAKARTA - The National Police Headquarters (Mabes) issued a telegram (ST) regarding the follow-up to the shooting of four people by Bripka CS. One of the contents of the instruction is to tighten the process of borrowing to use firearms (senpi).

Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono confirmed about the ST. This instruction is to maintain TNI-Polri solidity

"Yes, it is true, as a measure to anticipate a similar incident will not happen again, as well as to maintain solidity with the TNI which has been going well," said Argo in his statement, Thursday, February 25.

The directive was contained in a Telegram letter with number ST / 396 / II / HUK.7.1 / 2021 signed by the Deputy Chief of Police, Komjen Gatot Eddy Pramono.

"Tighten the borrowing and use of the official senpi which is only intended for members of the Police who meet the requirements and have no problems and strengthen supervision and control in their use," said point three in the telegram.

In the first point of the ST, the handling of the case is requested to be carried out firmly. One of the sanctions is dishonorable discharge (PTDH).

Furthermore, the second point contains proactively improving the synergy between the TNI-Polri. You do this by holding integrated operational activities and participating in joint sports.

The fourth contains orders for the Kasatwil and developers of the propam function to coordinate with TNI and POM units regarding problem solving.

Finally, he ordered to report the efforts made in relation to the handling and prevention of disputes and disturbances between members of the Police and the TNI that have been carried out in their respective regions.