Declarator Reminds Highly Democrats Not 'Lebay' Responding To The Urge To Replace AHY

JAKARTA - The Democrat Party's declarator, HM Darmizal, asked top Democrats not to overreact to the pressure to hold an Extraordinary Congress (KLB). Moreover, equating it with a coup.

"We are all surprised by the reactive attitude of the Democrats," said Darmizal at Mega Kuningan, Jakarta, Thursday, February 25.

According to him, the KLB discourse is a form of anxiety from a number of cadres about the future of the party. Thus, the proposed KLB cannot be equated with a coup.

Darmizal denied the statement of one of the party's top officials who said that the KLB would replace all management, starting from the central, regional, and even DPRD levels, which would carry out Inter-Time Replacement (PAW). He also asked the Democrat party elites to take it easy and not to over-spread the issue of fear about the outbreak.

"This KLB is a natural movement of democracy, very healthy, and good for a turning point in picking up a bright future under a new leadership that is mature, capable, with long experience serving the Republic of Indonesia," he explained.

On the other hand, Darmizal revealed, the existence of the Democratic Party under the leadership of Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) tended to decline.

In the release of the Political Parameters survey results, Monday, February 22, the Democratic Party was in fifth place with only 6 percent of the vote. PDIP is still in the lead with 25.1 percent followed by Golkar with 11.2 percent, the third Gerindra with 10.9 percent and fourthly there is PKB with 8 percent.

"The PD is now not too hot, the PD leadership center is sluggish and less prestigious than the PDIP, Gerindra, Golkar, Nasdem and others. This is a danger to the fate of PD 2024. Please Pak SBY understand this. Make a coalition with the people but the survey results and the facts prove that PD is shunned by the people, "he concluded.