Preventing COVID-19, East Java Regional Leadership Coordination Forum Declares Masked Santri Movement
SURABAYA - Forkopimda (Regional Leadership Coordination Forum) East Java declared the "Masked Santri Movement". This movement aims to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in East Java.
The activity which was initiated by the East Java Regional Police was attended directly by the leadership of the Bumi Sholawat Sidoarjo Islamic Boarding School, KH. Agoes Ali Masyhuri, Chairman of PW Muhammadiyah East Java KH. Saad Ibrahim, General Secretary of the East Java MUI Muzakky.
Then, the treasurer of East Java PWNU, KH. Rosidi, Deputy Head of East Java Regional Police Brig. Gen. Slamet Hadi Supraptoyo, and East Java Provincial Secretary Heru Tjahjono.
At the time of the declaration, representatives of Santri and Santriwati (Students in Islamic boarding school) from the Bumi Sholawat Sidoarjo Islamic Boarding School read the East Java Santri Pledge. Where five points are important in this pledge.
First, always wear a mask in every activity inside and outside the boarding school. Second, always maintain distance between students and other people. Third, maintain cleanliness by washing your hands frequently with soap or hand sanitizer.
Fourth, limiting mobility and unnecessary interactions. Fifth, avoiding crowds with a minimum distance of one meter.
East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa emphasized that masks function to protect students from the danger of transmitting COVID-19. Not only reminded the importance of wearing a mask, but she also reminded the importance of using masks correctly.
"The Masked Santri Movement becomes a collective effort to protect each other from COVID-19. Therefore, it can't be if one student uses masked, the other takes off the mask", said Khofifah.
According to Governor Khofifah, the Masker Santri Movement could be a part of strengthening, from implementing health protocol discipline in East Java. There are more than 6 thousand Islamic boarding schools in East Java, with the number of students reaching up to 900 thousand more.
"Moreover, there is quite a lot of Santri in East Java, and their activities are also very busy. The health protocol must be properly guarded", said Khofifah.
Khofifah reminded the students to remain disciplined in implementing the 5M health protocol, such as wearing masks, maintaining a safe distance, washing hands with running water and soap, staying away from crowds, and reducing mobility.
Khofifah said this is important because until now there is no cure for COVID-19.
"Even though the process of giving COVID-19 vaccination in the second stage has begun, all elements of society must continue to improve discipline in carrying out health protocols", she said.
Meanwhile, the Head of East Java Regional Police, Inspector General Nico Afinta, said that the Masker Santri Movement was an important part of facing the COVID-19 pandemic in East Java. Therefore, his party also distributed 1.2 million masks to Islamic boarding schools in East Java.
"Santri is a strong and important base in dealing with COVID-19", said Nico.