VIDEO: Causes Still Sleepy Even Though You Already Have Enough Sleep

JAKARTA - Maybe some feel that they have been sleeping for 7-8 hours at night but still feel sleepy in the morning or during the day. Usually this is due to physical health problems and a person's mental state. Quoted from the website, here are some causes of drowsiness even though you already have enough sleep at night.

First because the body lacks fluids. Lack of fluid intake or dehydration will make the brain less focused until young sleepy. Lack of fluids also causes the body to weakness because the body's organs work more extra and drain energy.

Second, because of 'big; or lazy to move. The body that is not active will easily sleepy and feel tired so that the body is not energized and gets sleepy easily. Third, because you don't have breakfast. When a person misses breakfast, he misses energy intake to carry out activities. The body lacks energy and causes the body to become weak and sleepy.

Fourth because of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a sleep disturbance that occurs when the breath stops temporarily while sleeping. Fifth is because of a restless syndrome. Namely the conditions that occur due to the sensation of discomfort in the leg area, thus disturbing the quality of sleep at night.

Sixth, due to Narcolepsy. A situation that can make a person fall asleep suddenly. When this condition occurs, the person will feel his body as if he is paralyzed or unable to move.

The last cause is chronic fatigue. This situation is also called chronic fatigue syndrome, namely weakness, sluggishness, fatigue and sleepiness. Accompanied by symptoms of muscle pain and difficulty concentrating for a long time. Go home on time and get enough rest and quality is the main thing. So that we can stay productive in the workplace. Being able to divide the time well and pay for the job can save time and ease the workload. Watch the video below.