Fulfilling Quality Water Needs In Bogor City, Cipinang Gading IPA Development Has Been Completed

JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) continues to strive to meet the quality drinking water needs.

Therefore, the Ministry of PUPR continues to build Water Processing Installations (IPA) in various regions of Indonesia, including in Bogor City, West Java.

To meet the quality drinking water needs in the city, the Ministry of PUPR has completed the construction of the Cipinang Gading IPA in Bogor City, West Java, in December 2023.

"IPA, which has a capacity of 50 liters/second, will increase the coverage of drinking water services in six (16) urban villages, namely in Cikaret, Gunung Batu, Loji, Mulyaharja, Pasir Jaya and Pasir Mulya with a total service of 5,000 house connections (SR)," said PUPR quoted from the official Instagram account @kemenpupr, Monday, February 12.

The Ministry of PUPR assessed that the IPA development was part of meeting the drinking water needs which was one of the government's priority programs.

"The availability of clean water and good sanitation is believed to be able to improve public health and economic growth," he said.

The purpose of the construction of the IPA Cipinang Gading with a capacity of 50 liters/second is so that people in Bogor City, especially in Mulyaharja and Cikaret Villages, can be served with drinking water and the target of safe access to drinking water in 2030 can be achieved.