Supporter Have Armed from Myanmar Military And Attack Protesters In Yangon

JAKARTA - Clashes between supporters and protesters against the Myanmar military coup took place in Yangon city, Myanmar, Thursday, February 25 local time.

Launching Reuters, the mass anti-military coup protesters along with students were originally planning to return to a demonstration today in Yangon. Not many masses have gathered yet, the mass of supporters of the military coup has arrived.

The number is nearly 1,00 people. Some of them were "armed" with knives and cudgel. There are also arming themselves with traditional catapult and stone weapons.

Some of them threatened news photographers and the clashes soon escalated into more serious violence in parts of Yangon city, said an eye witness.

Myanmar military supporters were caught on camera with cudgel and knives. Some people threw stones and fired catapults. Several people were beaten by a group of men, witnesses said.

Also, from enlarging photos of the mass of Myanmar military supporters who attacked residents and circulating on social media, it was seen that they used communication tools to their ears when they were involved in clashes with residents.

Video footage shows several supporters of the regime's February 1 coup, one of them holding a knife, attacking a man outside a downtown hotel.

Emergency workers assisted the man as he lay on the pavement after his assailant moved but his condition was unknown.

“Today's events show who the terrorists are. They are afraid of people's actions for democracy. We will continue our peaceful demonstrations against the dictatorship", said Thin Zar activist Shun Lei Yi.