Tangerang City District Attorney Asks Adhyaksa Personnel To Participate In The 2024 Election

The Head of the Tangerang City District Attorney's Office, I Ketut Maha Agung, said that Adhyaksa personnel, especially Tangerang City Attorney's Office employees, should participate in the success of the 2024 election so as not to golput and be neutral in the 2024 election.

"The neutral attitude of ASN, especially employees of the Tangerang City District Attorney, is not only in the attitude of actions in the community but also in the application of their duties and authorities," said Head of the Tangerang City District Attorney I Ketut Maha Agung to VOI, Thursday, February 8.

Ketut explained that in the field of general crimes, the General Crime Division, the process of handling election criminal cases, was carried out by the Integrated Law Enforcement Center (Gakkumdu) which functions to receive reports and follow up on findings of election violations and crimes.

"The prosecutor who is assigned to handle violations and election crimes who are members of the Gakumdu center will be professional and neutral," he explained.

The Kejari added that the intelligence sector is tasked with mapping potential threats, disturbances and obstacles and providing intelligence technical support to other areas within the Tangerang City Prosecutor's Office related to the political party sector, general elections and regional head elections.

"The trick is to create an Election Post. The post must be able to stand on a bridge for all groups, especially the community and the KPU, with Bawaslu on potential obstacles that disrupt the success of the 2024 election," he said.

He added that if a dispute was found by Election Contestants with election organizers as a result of the issuance of the decision of the KPU, Provincial KPU, and Regency/City KPU or related to the KPU SK dispute, it would be resolved in the constitutional court.

"The dispute can be related to the results of the vote count, vote recapitulation, and determination of the election results. The question can be submitted to the constitutional court," he said.