Indonesian Local Fashion Brands Are Getting A Place In Market Place Thanks To The Taking Feature On The Spot

JAKARTA - Local fashion brands are growing with many market places in Indonesia. The wide reach and good quality that is no less than foreign brands make local fashion more loved.This is what drives. Tokopedia launched their latest feature named Take on Place. The launch of this feature will be held through the 2024 Fashion Market at the Kota Kasablanka Mall starting Wednesday, February 7.Tokopedia's Head of Fashion Category Development, Aldhy Darmayo, said that this feature aims to make it easier for visitors to take products purchased through sellers' online stores."We are rolling out the latest feature ‘ take it at the Place ’ to make it easier for visitors to pick up products purchased through an online store for sellers who open booths at the Fashion Market bazaar, directly,” explained Aldhy Darmayo.In addition, this feature is expected to expand the shopping experience online to offline and also vice versa, especially fashion products. This makes it easier for users of this buying and selling site." “ Take it in place can be used to buy products other than fashion in various online to offline shopping experiences or vice versa," continued Aldhy."With this feature, we hope to improve the online to offline shopping experience or vice versa and allow more people to feel the ease of transacting in the marketplace," he said.The 2024 Fashion Market was attended by dozens of local brands to participate in this event. The three of them are Benang Pinjam, merch&eacee;, and Prepp Studio."First of all, how many local brands have a total of dozens of local brands that will attend their Tokopedia Fashion Market events divided into two areas," he concluded.