5 Typical Pemalang By-Oleh Pemalang Suitable As Hand Fruits

YOGYAKARTA Typical Pemalang souvenirs, Central Java can be a gift for friends, family, or close relatives. As one of the cities that travelers always pass, Pemalang has various culinary delights and attractive souvenirs that can be brought home.

So, what are the typical souvenirs of Pemalang that are suitable for being used as a hand? Let's look at the full information below.

Summarized from various sources, the following are various typical Pemalang culinary delights that are suitable for use as souvenirs for loved ones:

1. Kamir cake

Kamur cake is a cake made of flour dough, butter, and eggs, sometimes mixed with ingredients such as banana ambon or tape.

This Pemalang typical food has a thin round shape and brownish color because it is made by roasting, kamur cake deserves to be hunted when you visit Pemalang.

Kamir cakes are very easy to find in the Pemalang souvenir area. One of the famous sellers of kamar cakes is the Bu Amanah Thursday Shop located on Jalan Semeru Gang Melati RT 05 RW 19, Mulyorejo, Pemalang District, Pemalang Regency, Central Java.

2. Tofu pletok

Tofu pletok is a typical Randudongkal Pemalang food. This culinary is made of tofu skin that is split wide and then added aci dough which has been mixed with turmeric spices and kucai leaves.

Tofu pletok is fried to dry to get a spectacular texture. The size of the tofu pletok is also greater than the general knowledge because it uses wide skin tofu.

The pletok tofu itself tends to be savory and salty so that it is suitable to be eaten with green cayenne pepper.

Tofu pletok is usually packaged in bedsek, which is a food place made of woven bamboo.

3. Apem komal

The next recommendation for Pemalang's signature souvenirs is apem komal. Apem combines bread made from a mixture of brown sugar, eggs and flour. This snack donation was generally kept last night, before being printed on a banana leaf base and steamed until cooked.

The shape is round flat, similar to a serabi or ape cake, but with a more even and sticky texture. The color tends to be gluing from a mixture of brown sugar.

Apem komals have a sweet and slightly acidic taste that comes from the fermented mixtures.

To add to the taste, apem komals are often served with mixtures of paarut and palm oil or thick coconut. Apem komal can be easily found in Pasar Comal, Pemalang.

4. Ogel-ogel

Ogel-ogel is a savory snack that looks like a caterpillar. Ogel-ogel is one of Pemalang's signature souvenirs that is suitable as a hand for relatives.

Ogel-ogel has a unpredictable texture and tastes good. This snack is suitable for coffee or can be used as a snack on the way.

Ogel-ogel is made of glutinous flour, tapioka flour, eggs, sugar, salt, and cheese. The ingredients are mixed to become a chewy dough.

5. Crabs are overdoped

Occupied crabs are sorong crabs cooked with Pemalang-type spices. Unlike crabs in general, Pemalang-type overtimed crab shells can be bitten and eaten. There are two choices of sauces for eating overlaying crabs, namely cucumber sauce and sweet acid sauce.

This is information about Pemalang's signature souvenirs that are suitable for being used as a hand. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.