Additional Joint Leave For The Sake Of Driving The Economy Through The Tourism Sector

JAKARTA - Eid al-Fitr 1441 H holiday or 2020 plus two days after the government revises national holidays and collective leave. Thus, the total Eid 2020 holiday will be more than a week. The addition of this holiday is expected to have a positive impact on tourism in Indonesia.

Deputy Chairman of Commission X Hetifah Sjaifudian said that the characteristic of Indonesian society when welcoming Eid is to return to their hometown or homecoming. According to him, with the addition of holidays by the government, it will create a movement in the local economic sector, especially in tourism areas.

"This holiday is expected to revive the economy in the tourism area. When we go home, we can stop at a tourist area near our place," said Hetifah, when contacted by VOI, in Jakarta, Wednesday, March 11.

The outbreak of the corona virus or COVID-19 has hindered the movement of foreign tourists. Moreover, after Indonesia tested positive for COVID-19, not only foreign tourists, but many domestic tourists (wisnus) also postponed their travels. Thus, disrupting the economy of the tourism area.

Currently, the government has indeed issued an incentive stimulus policy for the tourism sector. This is because this sector is considered to be the most affected. The incentives provided were in the form of hotel and restaurant tax exemption for six months.

"We also still have to evaluate and look for various forms of encouragement or other support for businessmen and tourism actors in Indonesia. So maybe that's a tax, one of them. Taxes are not immediately felt, because when people have spent shopping, they will feel it. If the person is not there Those who come will definitely not use the incentives, "he explained.

Previously, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy / Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency Wishnutama Kusubandio welcomed the joint decree of the three ministers regarding the addition of public holidays and leave in 2020. The addition of this holiday is considered to have a positive impact on tourism activities and the country's creative economy.

"It will definitely have a positive impact on the tourism sector because people can take advantage of holidays for traveling," said Wishnutama, through a written statement.

Wishnutama said, the characteristics of domestic tourists in planning trips so far have always been carried out since a long time ago, adjusted to school children's holiday time, national holidays, and leave together. The Menparekraf also emphasized the readiness of the industry in welcoming the high public interest in planning trips.

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Wishnutama Kusbandio. (Diah Ayu Wardani / VOI)

"The industry can be more creative in making travel packages that can be the choice of the community, in this case domestic tourists," he said.

No less important, the Menparekraf advised local governments to also coordinate with tourism managers and other related parties regarding destination readiness.

"The local government and related parties must be able to ensure the safety and comfort of tourists while at the location, as well as the matter of cleanliness which has been a shortage in the national tourism index," he said.

For your information, the number of national holidays and collective leave in 2020 has increased from the previous 20 days to 24 days. The Joint Decree (SKB) regarding changes to National Holidays and Collective Leave was read out by the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendi.