Jambi Prosecutor's Office Arrests Women At The Buron Of Embezzlement Of PT PIS Rp1 M In Jakarta

JAMBI - Jambi High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) arrested the convict Efda Yeni (38), a fugitive in the case of embezzlement of money from the company PT Putra Indragiri Sukses (PIS) worth more than Rp1 billion.

"Efda Yeni, who is also the ex-wife of the convict of the tax case Andy Veranto, Director of PT Putra Indragiri Sukses, was arrested in Jakarta a few days ago and is now being taken to Jambi to be detained in the Jambi Women's Prison," said Head of the Jambi Attorney General's Office Information and Law Section Lexy Fatharani, in Jambi, Tuesday 6 February, confiscated by Antara.

Lexy said the arrest of the former Commissioner of PT PIS was due to the cooperation of the Jambi Attorney General's Office Fugitive Arrest Team (Tabur), civil servant investigators (PPNS) of the Jambi West Sumatra Regional Office and the Jambi Regional Police.

So far, the convicts, Effda, have always moved to live in Jakarta and Padang to avoid imprisonment in the first case, namely embezzlement.

In the case of a criminal position of embezzlement committed by the convict Efda Yeni when he was Commissioner of PT PIS, he had embezzled the company's money in a company account amounting to Rp1 billion by transferring some money into the convict's personal account and some of it was transferred to someone else's account.

Lexy said the convict Efda Yeni would serve a prison sentence in an embezzlement case based on the Decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 237 K/Pid/2021 dated March 9, 2021, with a prison sentence of two years in prison.

As for the second case, he said, the convict was also suspected of having committed a tax crime whose case was still being investigated by the Civil Servant Investigators (PPNS) of the West Sumatra-Jambi DGT Regional Office.

The convict Effda, who is also the ex-wife of another convict Andi Veryanto, who is a DPO and was executed by the Tabur Team during a PK trial at the Jambi District Court.

Meanwhile, Jambi Attorney General's Intelligence Assistant Nophy To Suoth has an official statement confirming that the fugitives must immediately surrender to the prosecutor's office to serve their sentences.