What Is Divergent: Here's An Explanation And The Method
YOGYAKARTA - There are 2 types of thinking skills that a person usually has. The first type is divergent, and the second type is convergent. These two types of thinking are a kind of 2 sides of the currency that go hand in hand. However, both of them are needed in everyday life. So what is it divergent?
Although both types are different, it does not mean competing, but complement each other. In solving problems every day, these two types of thoughts will both be needed. Now this time you will obtain information about one type of analytical thought, namely the type of divergent thought.
The type of divergent thought is a process of thinking that can explore various creative inspirations in creating solutions to a problem. This thought refers to the opening of the mind in all directions, and always tries various solutions to uncover a problem.
Even though there has been a breakdown, the divergent mind will try to find a new solution. They adhere to the principle that there are many solutions that are not limited to a problem to choose the best. There are also divergent people who have the characteristics of spontaneity, nonlinear thinking, and are free.
This divergent mindset is also a manifestation of a creative mindset that solves problems with unusual analysis and methods. For those who have divergent thoughts, instead of not getting a solution, they want to ask themselves, what if I do this? They will think of all aspects of a situation in order to create the most appropriate breakup. With this mind, creative inspiration and different breakups will arise.
It is also necessary for you to know that the human left brain is used to think rationally, analytically, and also to make decisions. Meanwhile, the right brain is used as a center of creativity, emotions, and intuition.
Well, in thinking divergent, it is this right brain that will work a lot. Thinking divergent means thinking flows without being fixated on a certain pattern. Divergence is the type of thinking that uses lateral thinking, or often observes many aspects. This must be very different from conventional thinking and traditional mindset.
In solving a problem, surely you need creative thinking. Although maybe while at school You rarely use this thought. Therefore, when you want to think
divergent, meaning you don't think linearly. Here are some of the characteristics of the thoughts needed to solve a conflict.
The four main characteristics needed are as follows:
Methods To Practice Divergent Thinking Engineering
1. Collecting Ideas
The first step to practice divergent thinking is to collect ideas. Think and seek inspiration from some existing ideas or you already know before. You must know that every inspiration will give birth to other ideas that will certainly be much more perfect and creative than existing ideas. The inspiration will be randomly arranged and unstructured.
So, if you are in a group, don't prevent everyone from giving opinions. Allow everyone to have an opinion and channel their own ideas. The collection of ideas will be able to be used as material for assessment as well as consideration in solving a problem.
2. Try to Make Karangan Free
This method is done to hone thinking skills. Choose a topic to write. After that, write whatever you think about the topic. Write inflow, as long as it's still in the same language.
No need to stop correcting the writing first. You can do it after writing. Including reading and spelling characteristics. So, the main thing that needs to be done is to put everything you think about one topic in the form of a free essay. This will help you sharpen the analysis of something.
3. Make Visual Mapping The Mind
When you have created an inspiration, try to describe it visually on paper. This will help You map out the relationship between every idea. As an example, when you have inspiration about an idea
business, You can start drawing by forming a circle in the middle accompanied by the words 'Starting Business'.
Then you guys think about 4 things that must be planned, namely products or services, markets, sources of funds, as well as employees. You can create branches for the four sub-topes. Then put the writing in the circle of each branch. Only then can you elaborate in detail on the basis of each subtopic of any business ideas that arise.
It's a good idea to also recognize: 10 Properties of Creative People' in order to have good adaptability.
So after knowing what is divergent, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!