PAM Jaya Gandeng ITB Supervises SPAM Project

JAKARTA - Perumda PAM Jaya in collaboration with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) to oversee the smooth development of the infrastructure for drinking water supply systems (SPAM).

Bearing in mind, the DKI Provincial Government ordered PAM Jaya as a clean water provider to increase the coverage of piped water services for Jakarta residents by 100 percent by 2030. Meanwhile, currently, service coverage is still at 65.85 percent.

PAM JAYA President Director Arief Nasrudin said ITB would conduct quality control on the built SPAM infrastructure. This collaboration involves researchers, academics, and students in engineering development and methodology to ensure that SPAM infrastructure meets established standards.

"PAM JAYA needs to involve academics to be able to assist in accelerating large amounts of expansion with a relatively short period of time and cooperation with ITB is not only for quality control of pipes that will only be installed but also including the rehabilitation of our existing pipelines," said Arief in his statement, Monday, February 5.

In this case, quality control is a method used to ensure that the infrastructure built is in accordance with the standards specified and meets user needs.

In the context of SPAM supervision, quality control is very important to ensure that the water provided is safe, quality, and can be consumed by the public without endangering health.

Arief assessed that ITB can analyze the failure of the structure to find out the materials used in the past. Also, in order to prevent the risk of failure. Given that until 2030 in the future, PAM Jaya will install a 7,000 kilometer pipe.

"The hope is the establishment of mutually beneficial cooperation between PAM Jaya and universities in the piping drinking water industry. PAM Jaya hopes that research in universities as well as knowledge from teachers and students can contribute to the progress of the SPAM industry and form new practical experiences in higher education," he explained.