Ganjar 'Attacks' Prabowo About Free Internet For Slow Brains

Presidential Candidate (Capres) number three, Ganjar Pranowo 'attacked' Prabowo Subianto after his internet program was said to be only for those with a slow brain.

The attack began when Ganjar said that he had a free internet program for schools and MSMEs. Then, only mentioned about Prabowo who said the program was only for his brain to be slow.

"Pak Prabowo, I have a free internet program for schools, for MSMEs. But there is something interesting, sir, in Pontianak on January 20, you said that the person who wants the internet for free, sorry, sir, his brain is slow," said Ganjar in the fifth presidential candidate debate at the Jakarta Voction Center (JCC), Sunday, January 4.

In fact, said Ganjar, individuals who are thirsty or often use the internet have smart safaris. Because, you can get any information easily.

"In fact, usually they have a bright brain," he said.

In addition, the internet is also said to be able to help the government to obtain various data, such as education, poverty, and even poverty.

Responding to this, Prabowo argued that Ganjar was incomplete in getting data about his statement. This is because the presidential candidate number two emphasized that he had never vilified anyone's program.

"Maybe it's incomplete what you hear what I'm saying. What I say is which one is more important, the internet is free or free to eat for people is in trouble, for the poor for the lower class," Prabowo replied.

Ganjar, who was given the opportunity to respond, said that the digital footprint of Prabowo's statement about the free internet was only for those whose brain was slow that would not disappear.

"This is great if the coverage is good, sir. The digital footprint will never disappear, Mr. Prabowo. So, the statement that today tries to clarify its feelings in the public has passed, sir. Because your question is very clear and it's a shame," said Ganjar.