TKN Prabowo-Gibran Invites Agricultural Scholars To Realize Food Sovereignty Through Food Estate

JAKARTA - The Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team (TKN) invites young agricultural scholars to realize Indonesia's food sovereignty through the food estate program.

The Commander of Bravo National Campaign Team (TKN) Prabowo-Gibran, Budisatrio Djiwandono, said agriculture is one of the sectors that Prabowo Subianto has been concerned about since he was active as a TNI officer until now.

"Talking about food sovereignty and state sovereignty, this is what Pak Prabowo has fought for since he was still in the TNI until after he retired. Agriculture is the focus and love of him to this day," Budi said when receiving support from the Indonesian Agricultural Alumni 02 (API 02) in Kertanegara, Saturday, February 3, 2024.

Deputy Chairman of Commission IV of the DPR in charge of agriculture said that currently the agricultural sector is facing major challenges. Starting from the threat of land conversion, fluctuations in agricultural commodity prices, the availability of cheap fertilizers for farmers, to climate change that affect agricultural land productivity.

Therefore, the Deputy Chairperson of the Gerindra Party is optimistic that the various problems that haunt the pertanain sector will be unraveled under Prabowo-Gibran's leadership. So, the sector can make a big contribution to the national economy.

"We believe that only candidate pair 02 understands, understands, and can implement improvements in the agricultural sector. When Prabowo-Gibran is inaugurated, the young agricultural scholars who attend will actively participate will help realize food sovereignty in Indonesia," said Budi.

Meanwhile, the 02 API Declarator, RS Suroyo, revealed the reason his party supports Prabowo-Gibran because the candidate pair number two has a big commitment to the welfare of farmers.

He hopes that when Prabowo-Gibran is elected as president and vice president of the Republic of Indonesia, regulations and pro-farm policies will be born.

"When Prabowo-Gibran was elected, we supported the creation of modern farmers by modernizing agricultural tools, supporting the implementation of smart farming, supporting the birth of the sustainable agricultural law, and downstreaming agriculture to create added value," said Suroyo.

Suroyo further said that his party also supports Prabowo-Gibran's efforts to cut off dependence on imports. One of them is through the national food estate policy.

"We believe that Prabowo-Gibran can realize food self-sufficiency and the welfare of farmers through food settings," he said.