Raffi Ahmad's Younger Brother, Nisya Ahmad Comes Out Of The Comfortable Zone By Falling Into The Political World

JAKARTA - Nisya Ahmad, a public figure who is also Raffi Ahmad's younger brother, talked about his involvement as a legislative candidate who participated in the 2024 election. Obviously it was not easy when he first contested, but Nisya Ahmad felt that he had tried enough to achieve maximum results.

"Yes, bismillah. The important thing is already trying, it's already a business. Yes, hopefully the results will also be as expected," said Nisya Ahmad in BSD, South Tangerang, Thursday, February 1.

Nisya did not deny that she had to adapt a lot to the political world that was new to her. However, he sees many positive aspects of his experience so far.

"Actually, this is a new world too, it's still touching like that, but maybe there are benefits. At this age, we want to achieve life, of course we want to have benefits, want to leave the comfort zone (comfort zone)," said Nisya.. "This is just an effort. The important goal is good. If elected, thank God, the important thing is to try, if it's not possible, God will have another plan," he continued.

Reaffirming what made him brave to run as a legislative candidate in 2024, Nisya stated that she wanted to get out of her comfort zone and could be useful for the community.

"Yes, that was, out of the comfort zone. Before quality entered and entered the world of politics, how many times did I enter the area which eventually became my electoral district, I saw that there were a lot of people in Indonesia who were still very far behind. So, things that I think are trivial turned out to be big things for them, something very useful. There I found his views, because it turned out that many things I just learned and I just found out, "said Nisya Ahmad.

"So, I just move like that, I want to help with the term. Maybe from the smallest things to whatever I can do. Maybe I can't give everything later for them, but the front is the intention and purpose," he concluded.