Hundreds Of East Java Regional Police Undergo Vaccination Process To Prevent COVID-19 Transmission

SURABAYA - As many as 800 members of the East Java Regional Police were vaccinated against COVID-19. The hope is that the COVID-19 vaccination can form herd immunity.

"The East Java Regional Police have received 800 doses of vaccine. Today 600 doses were used, while the other 200 doses were used on Tuesday", said Head of East Java Regional Police, Inspector General Nico Afinta, in Surabaya, Wednesday, February 25.

To make the COVID-19 vaccination a success, Nico admitted to preparing 1.824 vaccinators, consisting of members, doctors, nurses, and midwives. Nico said there were 770 certified vaccinators.

"Then 422 have been trained, so there are 1.200 ready to become vaccinators to assist the government in giving vaccinations to the whole community", he said.

East Java Regional Police Chief Inspector General Nico Afinta

Meanwhile, for health workers, there are as many as 4.211 in the ranks of the East Java Regional Police. Nico appealed to all police health workers to support the government's COVID-19 vaccination program.

"We all know that this vaccine is also given to parents, journalists, and others. We from the National Police are ready to support providing vaccinators so that it can run well and herd immunity can arise throughout East Java", he said.

Nico ensures the COVID-19 vaccine is safe. After receiving two doses of the Sinovac vaccine, he also admitted that he did not feel any side effects.

"The COVID-19 vaccine is safe, and there are no side effects after being injected. I myself have been given a second dose and thank God it is safe", said the former South Kalimantan Police Chief.