Police Shot Female Rapist In North Luwu Forest, South Sulawesi

LUWU UTARA - The man with the initials An, a perpetrator of the rape of a woman with a sharp weapon in a forest in North Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi was shot by police during the arrest. The perpetrator was shot for resisting by pointing a machete at the police.

"When the officers carried out the arrests at the location, the perpetrators fought back by pulling their machetes at the officers, so that an action was taken in the form of shooting that hit the leg of the perpetrator", said Head of PPA North Luwu Police Aipda Yuliani, to reporters, Wednesday, February 23.

The rape incident took place on Tuesday, February 19 in Pombakka Village, West Malangke District, North Luwu.

At that time the victim was asked to go home by her brother from the location where the sago was made.

While on the road, the victim met an unknown perpetrator. The perpetrator threatened the victim with a machete.

"Suddenly the perpetrator came on a motorcycle and immediately stopped in front of the victim. Then the perpetrator asked the victim to join the perpetrator while threatening the victim with a machete", she said.

The perpetrator took the victim into the forest and then raped her. From the location, the victim was taken to a residential area.

"The victim had time to rest at the witness's house", said Ani.