Mahfud MD Design From The Position Of Coordinating Minister For Political, Legal And Security Affairs, Ganjar: Anyone Has Conflict Of Interest Resigning

JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate number three, Ganjar Pranowo said Mahfud MD's resignation as Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) because running as a vice presidential candidate should be followed by other couples.Who has a conflict of interest must imitate the candidate pair number two, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming.It is known that Prabowo, who is running as a presidential candidate, is now also the Minister of Defense. Meanwhile, the vice presidential candidate, Gibran, is the Mayor of Solo."This is a good example and an accountability for other things to follow," Ganjar told reporters in Pontianak, Wednesday, January 31.“ Including anyone as I talked about from the start. Those who have a conflict of interest, should resign like Mr. Mahfud,” continued the former Governor of Central Java.Ganjar emphasized that it would not be a problem for Mahfud to resign at this time even though the campaign was only a few days away. Moreover, only Mahfud has made this kind of resignation.“ Does anyone else step back first? Pak Mahfud, lah, yang selalu pertama,” tegasnya.As previously reported, the vice presidential candidate number three, Mahfud MD has made a letter of resignation from the position of Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs. However, he is still waiting for the moment to meet with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to submit it directly."Today I have brought a letter to the president, to convey to the president directly about my political future which has recently become a public discussion and this letter will be delivered as soon as I get a schedule to meet with the president," Mahfud said in a YouTube show, Wednesday, January 31.Mahfud said President Jokowi is still out of town. So, he continues to bring the letter if at any time he is summoned to the State Palace, Jakarta."As soon as I met him in person, I submitted this letter," he said.Mahfud said that he deliberately wanted to submit his resignation letter directly to Jokowi. Because, he wants to uphold ethics.
"I will only submit a letter, just in short with that. I was respectfully appointed, received the appointment with respect, I will say goodbye with full honor to him, ” said the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK).“ Dan saya akan melaporkan saya sudah selesai. Itu saja dari saya,” pungkasnya.