Why Should We Judge Other People's Music Tastes?

JAKARTA - Diah (24) felt annoyed, when she was hooked on the song Sheila on 7 a few years ago, she was even ridiculed by other people. He couldn't do much, because the one who judged Diah's taste in music was his senior at college.

"When I was in college five years ago, I was really crazed by Sheila on 7. All of the songs that I used to listen to, my friends continued to criticize, 'why do you have to listen to Sheila on 7 so much, their songs really don't exist. its special, "Diah said to us some time ago.

Not only Diah, there is also Ahda (25) who also experienced this. His hobby of listening to post-rock songs from several Japanese bands was also judged as a pop-idol music connoisseur or visual kei band. "Whereas what I listen to is a completely different genre and I have never bothered them either," he said.

The phenomenon of the judgment of this taste in music is actually on the rise lately. From the observation of social media, many judge other people's musical tastes.

In fact, on Twitter there is an account @txtbocahindie which contains screenshots of young people who feel that they really understand indie music. We've tried contacting the admin @txtbocahindie, unfortunately, the admin doesn't want to be interviewed to find out why they created the account.

From the collection of screenshots, there are quite a lot of conversations where someone offends someone else's musical taste.

Music observer Mudya Mustamin considers that differences in assessment of musical works are common. Moreover, many young children or adolescents experience this because they are in search of their identity, and they may not really understand the music they are listening to.

"They also do not necessarily (understand) and because it is trending, they are liked by their friends, so everyone follows. But it is not absolute that they really understand the music, right," he said when contacted by telephone, Monday. , 9 March.

In fact, according to Mudya, musicians would not want their work to be enjoyed only in a segmented or specific way. "Yes, they want a lot of people to listen to," he said.

He believes, later on, the subjective judgments made by them will change over time, and there will be more types of music being listened to.

Meanwhile, continued Mudya, the matter of structuring their musical tastes was in fact the opposite of the indie musicians themselves. Because, he said, indie musicians are actually a movement of those who are uncomfortable with the existing rules in the world of mainstream music or mainstream record labels. Moreover, said Mudya, the segregation of indie and mainstream musicians is considered irrelevant in this digital era.

"Since the digital era, the differences between indie and major labels are not too different because they work together. In fact, what is happening now is that indie labels or musicians, especially in Indonesia, can still release physical albums where major labels only dare to open stalls in the digital market. "

Music observer Mudya Mustamin

But in the end, this debate really doesn't need to be done. Because there is a Latin proverb which says "De gustibus non est disputandum" or it means "Regarding taste, there is no need to argue about it."