Opportunities For Ornamental Fish Export Business: Indonesia Is In 2nd Place In The World!

YOGYAKARTA - Director General of Strengthening Competitiveness for Marine and Fishery Products (PDSPKP) of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) Budi Sulistiyo said that the opportunity for the ornamental fish export business is one of the potential business opportunities for the community to develop.

"This ornamental fish from a hobby can create economic value. In this exposition, I see that there is a very good cooperation between industry and MSMEs in an effort to increase the economic value of ornamental fish, not only to fill the domestic market, but also to the export market," Budi said in an official statement received in Jakarta, Tuesday.

Launching from Antara, Budi explained data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) which was processed by the Directorate General of PDSPKP showing an increase in ornamental fish exports in the last 3 years.

In 2020, the export value of Indonesian ornamental fish reached 30.76 million US dollars and became 34.55 million US dollars in 2021. This figure after that increased again to 36.43 million US dollars in 2022. He also said the increase in exports of Indonesian ornamental fish had already placed Indonesia in 2nd place for global ornamental fish exporters, jumping from the previous year's position which was ranked 5th.

Based on the type, Indonesian ornamental fish exports are dominated by Arwana, ornamental fish seeds, Cupang, Mas Koki, and Oscar. The main export destination countries are Japan, Hong Kong, US, Vietnam, and China

Opportunity To Export Indonesian Ornamental Fish To Saudi Arabia Is Wide Open

Launching from the Ministry of Trade website, the hobby of Saudi Arabian citizens to raise pets, especially ornamental fish, opens wide opportunities for Indonesian ornamental fish business actors. Currently, Indonesia is the third largest country in the world to export ornamental fish to Saudi Arabia.

The KBRi Riyadh Gunawan Trade Attach said the opportunity was wide open after the Saudi Arabian business actor committed to increasing the import of ornamental fish from Indonesia.

"Saudi Arabian business actors will increase the transaction of buying ornamental fish from Indonesia. This is a very big opportunity for ornamental fish business actors in the country," said Gunawan.

Recently, the Indonesian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Abdul Azis Ahmad, KBRi Riyadh Trading Attache met the CEO of pet company Pet Oasis Company (POC) Syakir Alghamdi in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on Wednesday (3/5). According to Gunawan, pets that are not prohibited from being exported abroad need to be improved.

From the business meeting, apart from pets, POC will also import equipment and potential services for Indonesian veterinarians to Saudi Arabia.

The potential export of pets, including freshwater ornamental fish, is very large considering that Indonesia is a tropical country and most of its territory is waters. Indonesia has a very variety of pet resources and large amounts," he said.

Gunawan said that the cultivation of freshwater ornamental fish in Indonesia involves many farmers with micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) scale.

"For this reason, the government, ministries/agencies, local governments, and associations need to improve the competence of farmers and the production capacity of freshwater ornamental fish cultivation through an integration scheme with aggregators that can encourage export increases for MSME actors," said Gunawan.

Sourced from data on trade statistics, Indonesia's ornamental fish exports to Saudi Arabia in 2022 amounted to USD 132 thousand. This value decreased compared to 2021 which amounted to USD 344 thousand due to the Covid-19 pandemic and a three-fold increase in shipping costs.

The increase in the export capacity of Indonesian freshwater fish to the world is also expected to increase the export of these commodities to Saudi Arabia, "explained Gunawan.

In addition, you can also learn 'Winning Fish Business Opportunities' in order to understand what fish are easy to produce cuan.

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