PUPR-IKN Task Force Repairs Jalan Amblas In Sepaku Access City Of Nusantara

JAKARTA - The Ministry of PUPR and the IKN Development Acceleration Task Force have begun to repair landslide roads in Tengin Baru Village, Sepaku District, North Penajam Paser Regency (PPU), East Kalimantan, which is the access to the City of the Archipelago.

"In the field, there is already heavy equipment to repair landslide roads that occurred this morning at around 07.00 WITA," said Head of the Penajam Paser Utara Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Budi Santoso as reported by ANTARA, Monday, January 29.

The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) team together with the Task Force (Satgas) for the Acceleration of Development of the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN), he continued, conducted evaluations and a number of processes to repair the landslide road.

"Together with related agencies, traffic engineering is also discussed so that the flow of vehicles runs smoothly as long as the landslide road repairs are carried out," added Budi Santoso.

The work to repair the landslide road access to the city of Nusantara, the capital city of Indonesia's future country is carried out optimally and is targeted to complete the landslide road on Tuesday (30/1).

"For the time being, alternative roads are made so that smooth vehicle flow does not occur in traffic jams," said PPU Traffic Head AKP Ning Tyas Widyas Mita.


carried out a number of temporary repairs, he continued, currently the main road can be passed by large-sized vehicles with a number of traffic engineering so as not to hinder the delivery of logistics and materials for the development of the City of Nusantara.

"The large tonnage truck carrying materials and logistics for the development of the City of Nusantara has been able to pass to the development area," he said.

The Traffic Unit (Satlantas) of the North Penajam Paser Police gave an appeal to large vehicle drivers to be careful when going through the road which is still in the process of being repaired.

Personnel in the field also diverted the flow of vehicles from Balikpapan, Kutai Kartanegara to Sepaku District or to the Nusantara City area, said Ning Tyas Widyas Mita.

The road in the Tengin Baru Village area, Sepaku District, North Penajam Paser Regency collapsed when it was crossed by a truck loaded with about 10 toms of palm oil, and a truck fell in the middle of the landslide road.