What Is A Production Code? Here's A Retail And Function
YOGYAKARTA - Have you ever found an article containing information about the production process in a product? Of course you will find that if you look more closely at the packaging of a product, and it is called a production code. So what is a production code?
The writing of the production code is generally stated to coincide with the expiration period of a product. The writing can be very small and almost difficult to see, if not carefully observed. Because of this form, the production code is something that is less interesting to observe from a package.
Meanwhile, the method of making production codes has been arranged in such a way, which generally consists of multiple digits and letters that are systematically compiled. Not only to provide information about the manufacturing process, the production code is an important element in a product that is useful as an indicator for consumers that the product is always protected in quality.
The production code is a code that contains information about the production history of a product that is processed at the same time and at the same time.
The production code lists production time which includes date, month and year. The main goal of the existence of this production code is to recognize product age and show that the product is genuine.
Although it has a fairly important role, in the packaging of a product, the design of the production code that is often encountered does seem generally very simple, containing only numbers. Moreover, the production code is generally not included with attractive colors, only black plain.
In fact, there has never been a standard requirement for using the production code on packaging. Each manufacturer can create its own production code. Usually, the inclusion of the production code will coexist with the bar code (Barcode) to make it look more attractive and convincing. The barcode can use a linear model or matrix.
Production Code Function
The production code included in a packaging or packaging of products has various functions, both for producers and consumers. The function of the production code, among others:
1. To Know the Age of Products
One of the production code functions included in the packaging section is to help producers or consumers in recognizing product age. This is the benefit of the production code being displayed in the form of a time unit. Starting from date, month, and year.
2. Make Increase Customer Confidence
The existence of a production code listed by the producers of each packaging also helps consumers to be more confident in a brand. Smart consumers will certainly take into account that products that have a production code are safe things to consume.
The production code can also imply that the brand is obedient and subject to applicable procedures or laws. This is what will make the product seem safer, more original, and quality, so that customers will no longer hesitate to buy and consume it.
3. To ensure the Authenticity of Products
The production code is included in the information that must be included in each product packaging. The reason is because the code is useful for helping sellers or customers in checking product authenticity. Something that has been registered with BPOM will certainly have a production code in the packaging section.
4. To Guarantee Product Security
With the existence of a production code that can help sellers or customers to recognize the age of a product, indirectly can guarantee the safety of the product. A clear production code will make customers more thorough.
The production code will make consumers more vigilant when buying and consuming products. When the production code and consumption time have exceeded, customers also will not use it because it has dangerous potential.
In addition, you can also learn 'Women Codes on Young and Old Gold Jewelry' in order to easily distinguish them when buying.
So after knowing what the production code is, look at other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!