Lapas Di Tarakan Overload, Gubernur Kaltara Rencakan Bangun Baru Di Bulungan

North Kalimantan Governor Zainal Arifin Paliwang will realize the construction of a Correctional Institution (Lapas) in Tanjung Selor, Bulungan.

"We have communicated with the Director General of Prisons to be able to build another prison in Tanjung Selor," said Zainal in Tarakan, Sunday, January 28, which was confiscated by Antara.

He said that currently the prison conditions in Tarakan and Nunukan have experienced an extraordinary excess of capacity, where each small room is occupied by 11 people.

With these conditions, the Provincial Government of Kaltara has communicated with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkumham RI) and related ministries.

The governor revealed a visit a few months ago to see the development of prisons in Kaltara.

Therefore, he proposed accelerating the establishment of prisons in Tanjung Selor to reduce the full number of inmates in him.

Currently, Tarakan Class IIA Prison has overloaded or overcapacity, namely more than 1,400 Correctional Inmates (WBP).

"We have also communicated to PUPR, hopefully the construction of the prison will be realized quickly, the establishment of a new prison to reduce excess capacity in these two prisons," he said.