Yogyakarta 2024 Student League And Two Star Vision

YOGYAKARTA - Student basketball competition will be held in Yogyakarta. The "Two Stars" Student Basketball League (Two Stars Student Aethelete) 2024, the plan is to roll out in May 2024. Before the implementation, a gathering was held with school supervisors and representatives of parents.

The Student Basketball League targets the competition between elementary, junior high and college for seven months so that it will be held until November 2024. There is no high school level because there is already a DBL competition that is regularly held every year.

Rachmad Kasim Martadji, one of the initiators of the activity, said that the gathering was held for three days, namely from Friday, January 26, 2024 to Sunday, January 28, 2024.

Through gatherings held in schools, the committee explained both technically the match regulations and the vision and mission of the Two Star League. This activity was not only followed by school coaches and parental representatives but also teachers and coaches.

"The 2024 Yogyakarta Student League called Liga Dua Bintang will be held in a student city for approximately seven months. The league plans to target elementary, junior high and college students in Yogyakarta. We don't play high school levels because there is already a DBL competition that is going well," said Kasim, as he is known, after doing an elementary school gathering at Budi Utama School, Sleman, Friday.

"For this year we have only opened 8 teams of men and women. Through this competition, we hope that basketball at a young age will continue to be enthusiastic and more vibrant," he said.

The "Two Stars" Student League has the support of PEAK, a sports market manufacturer from China. The League also collaborates with the living legend of national basketball Ary Sudarsono. The figure who has been poorly building basketball in Indonesia. Ary also cares about coaching at the age of children who not only want to win but build sportsmanship.

He also hopes that those who pursue basketball will not forget their education so that when they have stopped their careers they will still be successful in their work.

"Ary Sudarsono has long built basketball in Indonesia, starting from student-level championships, Kobatama, Kobanita, the Indonesian Student League to IBL. He has hoped that the enthusiasm of student basketball in Yogyakarta will be even more lively," said Kasim, who is also a former National basketball referee and supervisor of the match (FIBA Commissioner).

Meanwhile, Ary Sudarsono said that the Two Star League is the crater of the candradimuka that builds and forms Indonesian people in the future, one of which is through sports.

"I thank the committee, PAAK, schools and campuses that have a strong commitment to carrying out competitions in different dimensions," he said again.

"These two Stars teach the spirit of both academics and non-academic students and lay the foundation of life after sport, namely how their lives after not becoming athletes," said Ary.

"In principle, losing and winning are not everything. There are other things that are more than that to shape the character and make students later become human beings who can be proud of alma mater, family, community and nation by carrying a big theme, namely Save Our Nation Through Basketball," said Ary Sudarso.

Hendarto Tjai, CEO of PEAK Sport Region Indonesia, hopes that the Student Basketball League can run well. The people of Yogyakarta also love sports more, especially basketball.