Ganjar Checks The Condition Of Prone Pantura Road During Floods

JAKARTA - The Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, moved quickly in handling damage to the Central Java coastline. After summoning the Central Java-DIY National Road Implementation Center (BBPJN) to his office for a meeting regarding the handling of damage to the pantura, Tuesday, February 23, Ganjar immediately invited the BBPJN team to check the road damage directly.

While checking the vaccination process in Kudus and Pati, Ganjar invited the Head of BBPJN Central Java-DIY, Satrio and his staff to cross the northern coast routes starting from Semarang, Demak, Kudus, and Pati. In a number of routes, there are many holes that are deep enough to endanger motorists. The damaged road conditions also hampered traffic flow and caused congestion.

Ganjar stopped at Demak to see the maintenance process for the bridge there. He also stopped at the path of the Pati Ring, because he saw a number of workers repairing potholes.

"This morning I had a meeting with BBPJN and we asked to be hastened. Yesterday I checked the pantura from Semarang, Kendal, Batang to Pekalongan, now I look at Semarang, Demak, Kudus and Pati. I invite my friends to see the condition of the damage, which is quite severe, ”he said as quoted from the official website of the Central Java Provincial Government, Wednesday, February 24.

Ganjar said that he would help the Center for Roads so that the maintenance budget, which was not too much, was all concentrated in the future or early this year. This is because the damage was severe enough that it should be a priority.

"The PUPR Ministry has actually prepared long segment programs, but some have finished the contract, some have not. Average work starts in March or April. For temporary measures in the form of urgent patching, I ask for the cooperation of the central, provincial and regency / municipalities to save, "he explained.

Ganjar emphasized that all road damage must be resolved. Gaping holes in the road must be patched immediately and must not wait for a major project to be implemented.

"You can't wait, let alone wait for the rainy season to stop because of his accident in the rainy season. So in theory, emergency handling with any technology and system must be done quickly, "he concluded.