Hydrolic Brake Shortage: Get To Know Before Installing It

YOGYAKARTA - Hydrolic brakes require various components installed in the car to support their respective roles. Even though it is small in size, hydraulic brakes need to be maintained so that the vehicle can be safely controlled while on the road. So, what is the lack of hydraulic brakes?

The hydraulic brake is a braking system that uses brake lever pressure so that the piston is pushed. This braking system uses fluid material which can make the car end slowly or suddenly, depending on the pressure put on the brake pedal.

How Hydrolic Brakes Work

To understand the method of work, here are some things you need to know:

The principle of work of hydraulic brakes is based on liquid support. The liquid used is a type of fluid that has high durability. The way the hydraulic brakes work refers to the special law, namely the pressure contained in liquids will be forwarded to all directions with the same amount.

Fluids or fluids located on the brakes have the position as a braking channel. The pressure given by the brake pedal will turn into hydraulic pressure that is channeled to the brakes on 4 car wheels.

2. Press the Pedal Rem

The way the hydraulic brakes work begins by pressing the brake pedal then the pushrod that is connected to the brake pedal will give a style on the piston located in the cylindrical master. This causes the front space of the piston to narrow and the reservoir channel closes.

After that the fluid will flow from the brake oil to the pressure room through the compensation port. But this will create an increase in pressure on the entire hydraulic system, because the fluid is forced to flow through a hydraulic channel leading to a brake line or capillary.

3. Pressure will reach the Brake Lines

Pressure that reaches the brake lines will put pressure on all capillary pistons of the same size. If the fluid pressure has reached the cylindrical wheel, the brake oil will urge the piston to press the brake camp which causes the speed of the vehicle to slow down.

Hydratory brakes have a major role in protecting the speed of vehicles traveling. When traffic jams occur, the brakes are useful for holding the car so as not to walk forward or backward.

Excess Hydrolic Brakes

Hydrolic Brake Component

The hydraulic brake work method is definitely not working alone, in its working system the hydraulic brakes have various components that go hand in hand connected to each other. There are at least 5 main components used in the car hydraulic braking system launched from several sources, namely the following:

Pedal Rem

Pedal brakes are meaningful components that play a role as input to share orders with the braking system when stepped on by the car driver. Pedal brakes are part to tell when the brakes are right to be active.

Master Silinder

The cylindrical master plays a role in replacing mechanical movement into hydraulic. That way, the pressure received from the pedal when stepped on will be transferred by a cylindrical master to hydraulic pressure. This cylindrical master consists of a tube and a piston.

Tank reservoir

Reservoir tanks have a role as a reservoir for brake oil reserves or fluids that can be used as energy distributors. How it works by avoiding the risk of going into the wind which can cause the brakes to fail.

Hydrolic Pipes

Hydratory pipes are components that play a role as a place for pressing brake oil or fluid flow. This hydraulic pipe is made of special ingredients because hydraulic fluid pressures are generally quite high.


This last component is called the actuator who plays a role in replacing fluid pressure power to become mechanical. This has a goal so that the energy in the brake camp is encouraged to press the brake disk.

Basically, how the hydraulic brakes work is almost used in the entire car braking system. The hydraulic braking system is easier to use so as to provide security to motorists. Don't forget to keep the hydraulic brake system working optimally.

In addition, know some Mobil Brake Types' so that you don't get confused when changing the brakes in the future.

So after knowing the lack of hydraulic brakes, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!