Bad Habits Of Car Driving That You Need To Avoid So You Don't Get Injured

YOGYAKARTA Bad habits when driving a car are not only dangerous for oneself but for other road users. This habit can trigger accidents so that drivers must immediately abandon these habits.

The impact of bad habits when driving sometimes does not have a direct impact, but it can trigger unwanted events. Because some habits when driving will make the driver lose concentration or do other carelessness.

There are some habits that are sometimes underestimated, even though they are quite dangerous. What are these habits?

Drivers are required to wear seat belts. Unfortunately, there are still many drivers who ignore these obligations for various reasons, for example because they are uncomfortable or because they underestimate the function of seat belts. These assumptions and habits must be removed immediately in order to prioritize safety.

Driving while operating a cell phone is very dangerous to do. This habit can trigger drivers to lose concentration. If the driver has to access the phone, it's better to pull over for a while and continue the journey after business with the phone is done.

Listening to music while driving a car does help drivers avoid drowsiness. When you do, adjust the volume sufficiently and avoid playing music too loud.

Playing music too loud will trigger loss of concentration and make drivers not know when there are warning signs from outside such as horns or ambulance sirens.

When driving, try to see straight to the road. You can look to the right or left but only in a short time. It took too long to throw your eyes in another direction other than the road will reduce your vigilance while driving.

The purpose of the sein lights is to give a sign to other drivers. Unfortunately there are still drivers who ignore the light when it turns. Turn on the light immediately before you decide to turn.

This habit is also quite dangerous. The reason is that the car can instantly turn in some conditions, for example because of the rock that is hit by the car tire, or because of the road hole. Try to keep both hands at the wheel so that when the car suddenly turns the driver can still control the vehicle.

Not only is it dangerous for the health of the driver, smoking in the car also endangers other road users. There are many reasons not to smoke in the car, one of which is to trigger a fire.

Speeding and driving a car on a zigzag basis is not recommended. This way of driving is quite risky to trigger an accident.

When encountering a red light, the driver should not brake suddenly. The braking must be done slowly. This is done so that the vehicle behind it is not surprised so that collisions can be avoided.

This habit is also often done by drivers. As road users, traffic signs are important things to support the safety of each other.

That's information related to bad habits while driving. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.