Strong Criticism For Jokowi, Netrality Of State Officials Is The Key To Fair And Democratic Elections

JAKARTA - The Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem) urges President Jokowi to withdraw statements by the president and minister may take sides.

Jokowi previously stated that the president and minister could take sides in the presidential election as long as they did not use state facilities.

Director of Perludem Khoirunnisa Agustyati said the president's statement was very shallow and had the potential to be a justification for the actions of the president and his staff regarding taking sides in the 2024 General Election.

Moreover, President Jokowi is considered to have a conflict of direct interest with the winning of the 2024 General Election.

"In fact, the neutrality of state apparatus is one of the keys to realizing honest, fair, and democratic election operations," Khoirunnisa said in a written statement, Wednesday, January 24.

President Jokowi's statement called Perdem refers only to the provisions of Article 281 paragraph (1) of Law no. 7 of 2017 which reads "The Election Campaign that includes the President, Vice President, Ministers, Governors, Deputy Governors, Regents, Deputy Regents, Mayors, and Deputy Mayors must meet the provisions."

Among them are not using facilities in their positions, except for security facilities for state officials as stipulated in the provisions of laws and regulations and undergoing leave outside of state responsibility.

In fact, in Law Number 7 of 2017, especially in Article 282 of Law no. 7 of 2017 there is a prohibition that reads state officials, structural officials, and functional officials in state positions, as well as village heads are prohibited from making decisions and/or taking actions that benefit or harm one of the election participants during the campaign period.

"In this context, President Jokowi and all his ministers are clearly state officials, so there are limits for presidents and officials of other countries, including ministers not to take action or make decisions that benefit certain election participants, let alone to be carried out during the campaign period," said Khoirunnisa.

Fourth. In Article 283 paragraph (1) of Law no. 7 of 2017 there are also provisions governing the issue of state officials who and state civil servants who are prohibited from carrying out activities that lead to partiality to the previous election participants, during, and after the campaign.

The provision reads "State officials, structural officials, and functional officials in state positions as well as other state civil servants are prohibited from holding activities that lead to partiality to election participants before, during, and after the campaign period".

Perludem juga mendesak Bawaslu secara tegas dan bertanggung jawab menyelesaikan dan menindak seluruh aparatur negara yang berpotensi membuat proses penyelenggaraan pemilu dimenuhi pelapan dan tidak demokratis.

In addition, Perludem urges all state officials and apparatus to stop activities that lead to partiality and abuse government programs that lead to support for participants.