There Are Around 6,600 Entrepreneurs Who Have Registered For The Mutual Cooperation Vaccine, Is Your Boss Not?

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) noted that there are thousands of entrepreneurs who are interested in participating in the mutual cooperation vaccine program. Deputy Chairman of Kadin, Shinta Widjaja Kamdani, said that to date nearly 6,700 companies are interested in participating in mutual cooperation vaccinations. Currently, the government is also drafting regulations related to the mechanism for implementing the mutual cooperation vaccination program.

"We have started registration and in two weeks we have registered 6,689, almost 6,700 interested companies. So enthusiasm is high," he said, in a webinar entitled 'Welcoming the Mutual Cooperation Vaccine', Tuesday, February 23.

Furthermore, Shinta explained, companies that are currently registering mutual cooperation vaccines come from various types of business sectors. Some of them consist of labor-intensive sectors, banking, transportation, both large companies and Small and Medium Micro Enterprises (MSMEs).

"Not only for private companies, so there are various kinds of both PMA, PMDN and UMKM companies. All of them can participate," he said.

Kadin, said Shinta, also continues to list companies interested in participating in free vaccination. He said this program does not have to be followed by companies. The meaning is only optional.

Furthermore, he said, the vaccine that is injected in the mutual cooperation vaccine program will not be the same as what society currently receives through the government's free vaccine program.

"This is optional. Companies do not have to participate in this program. Later, the type of vaccine, when will this vaccine wait for the government. But the vaccine will not be the same as what is currently obtained by the public and data collection will not overlap," he explained.

On the same occasion, PMO Coordinator of Public Communication Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN) Arya Sinulingga said the government welcomed the company's desire to bear the cost of vaccines for employees.

Arya said, the mutual cooperation vaccine program is a form of employer's commitment to protect employees. Currently, according to him, the government is working on regulations for the implementation of the mutual aid vaccine.

"The main thing is that employees are given free (paid by employers)," he said.

Regarding the procurement of vaccines, said Arya, the recommendation from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) for the procurement of vaccines was fixed through Bio Farma as the holding for pharmaceutical BUMN.

"Regarding the procurement from the KPK, they ask that there are not many parties, until today information is still from the Bio Farma group which is the procurement (mutual cooperation) vaccine," he said.

Currently, said Arya, the government is still waiting for data on companies and employees who will join the mutual cooperation vaccine program. The government has also been in talks with vaccine manufacturers such as Sinopharm.