Ganjar Asks Police Gas Winning Machine: Time Is Shorter

Presidential candidate (candidate) number 3, Ganjar Pranowo asked the Ganjar-Mahfud winning machines throughout Central Java (Central Java) to make the best use of the remaining 2024 election campaign period.

Ganjar reminded the 2024 Presidential Election for approximately a month, then the Central Java Regional Winning Team (TPD), Salatiga Branch Winning Team (TPC) and volunteers throughout Central Java had to gas polls to attract voters. "In fact, the time is getting shorter and of course friends in Salatiga have their own formulas to be able to move the community," said Ganjar after meeting with the Central Java TPD, TPC Salatiga, and volunteers at the Korpri Sidomukti Building, Salatiga City, Tuesday, January 23. "In fact, friends who are in Central Java have stated their readiness in the face of the 2024 election. Of course, we received information on the readiness of our friends to face elections and they have continued to collaborate with parties with the volunteers, including new issues," he continued. "According to Ganjar, Salatiga is a very plural city, where the people came from various ethnicities, ethnicities, religions and races. Ganjar also mentioned President Joko Widodo's visit which was still well-welted. "These three of them can provide a good example. Yesterday, when the President was here they also welcomed well, not with hatred, anger. I think it was quite elegant ways. The community yesterday said 'Sir when can go to Salatiga' and finally meet," he said. On that occasion, Ganjar admitted that he would use his voting rights in Semarang, Central Java during the 2024 election because he still had a Semarang ID card. "It seems that in Central Java because my ID card is still Semarang," said Ganjar. On Tuesday, Ganjar campaigned in a number of areas in Central Java Province, namely Salatiga City, Kendal Regency, and Sukoharjo Regency.

Usai di Kota Salatiga, Ganjar bertolak menuju Kabupaten Kendal untuk bersilaturahmi dengan Pengasuh Pondok Pesantren Manbaul Hikmah KH Suyuthi Murtadlo di Padolengan, Mororejo, Kecamatan Kaliwungu, Kabupaten Kendal.Setelah itu, Ganjar dijadwalkan berdialog dengan para nelayan pada pukul 14.45 WIB, dilanjutkan menghadiri Pesta Rakyat Kendal di Lapangan Desa Sambong Sari, Kecamatan Weleri, Kabupaten Kendal, pada pukul 16.00 WIB.Pada pukul 17.10 WIB, Ganjar akan sowan kepada KH Danil Rouyan, Rois Suriah Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) di Jalan Tamanan 146, Tamanan, Tamangede, Kecamatan Gemuh, Kabupaten Kendal.Mengakhiri aktivitasnya di Jawa Tengah, pada pukul 20.20 WIB, Ganjar menghadiri Pesta Rakyat Sukoharjo di Lapangan Joho Sukoharjo, Sawah, Joho, Kabupaten Sukoharjo. Usai berkegiatan, seperti biasanya, Ganjar akan menginap di rumah penduduk.