How To Build A Brand Loyalty? Let's Check Out The 6 Stages Here
YOGYAKARTA Brand loyalty is a consumer loyal attitude towards a certain brand or brand. With brand loyalty, customers or consumers will continue to make purchases repeatedly without involving feelings. In addition, consumers and consumers will also not switch to other brands even though there are many lures offered by competitors. So, how to build a brand loyalty? Let's see the full information below.
It has been mentioned above that brand loyalty can keep consumers loyal to a brand for a long time. They will make purchases repeatedly in the future without using feelings.
Summarized from various sources, Monday, January 22, 2024, here are how to build a brand loyalty that business people must know:
1. Provide the products that consumers need
The need for consumers is a motive that motivates them to buy products or services.
Well, the best intention in building a business is to help many people to meet their needs. If a business actor does not provide the products needed, consumers will think twice about buying the products offered.
The better efforts made by business actors to overcome consumer problems, the greater the chance to get a brand loyalty.
2. Build a bond between consumers and brands
The association between consumers and brands (brand engagement) has an important role in the sustainability of a business. By building a brand engagement, consumers will have a good emotional bond to a brand.
For information, the majority of consumers buy products, not determined by their conscious minds, but mostly driven by the unconscious.
Well, brand engagement can be built by providing discounts, information, tips, entertainment, free knowledge, and others. Interactions established between brands and consumers must be carried out in two directions in order to grow emotional bonds.
3. Maintain brand consistency
Cara membangun brand loyalty yang berikutnya adalah dengan menjaga konsistensi brand terhadap konsumen. Hal ini dilakukan dengan meningkatkan pelayanan dan menjaga kualitas produk.
What consumers like is the experience and beautiful memory they have had in the past. As a result of their buying the products they offer, consumers have the hope that they will be served as well as before or even better.
4. Introducing the value of a brand
The value that a brand has and is attached to the hearts of consumers is referred to as a brand value. Well, the value introduced is what you practice and you pass it on to staff and consumers as long as your business runs.
Introducing the value that a brand or brand has is very important, because consumer confidence will arise after knowing the products offered, how the company works, and how you serve consumers.
Brand value can explain that a business can or cannot provide the best quality to consumers.
5. Create an interesting logo and color
Logo and color have an important role in a business. These two elements explain how your business develops. A good logo is easy to remember or make an impression on the memory of potential consumers.
6. Grows consumers' desire to shop for products
The last tip, business people need to grow consumers' desire to shop for the products offered. These tips can be run by providing discounts, giveaways, member cards, rewards of course.
In addition to growing consumer interest in shopping, these tips can also maintain consumer ties to a brand.
That's the information on how to build a brand loyalty. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.