SAR Deploys 2 Ships To Search For 15 Crew Members Of The Sumber Mas Men's Ship On Masalembu Island

SURABAYA - The Surabaya SAR Office deployed two ships, KN SAR 249 Permadi and RIB 01 to search for 15 crew members of the Men's Sumber Mas Ship in the waters of the northern sea, Dunkekek sub-district, Sumenep Regency, Madura.

The ship is known to have experienced engine failure due to entering seawater, when it was about to return to Lamongan after 14 days of fishing on Masalembu Island, Sumenep Regency, Madura.

"In the SAR operation of the Putra Sumber Mas ship, the Sumenep SAR Alert Unit team became the team that we deployed to conduct an assessment on the first day after receiving the incident report," said Head of Operations for the Surabaya SAR Office, Mahmud Afandi, in a written statement, Monday, January 22.

KN SAR 249 Permadi departed from Kaliangget port to the search area, covering a distance of about 32 nautical miles and a travel time of two hours. The area of this search is determined through the Map Prediction SAR application.

On the second day of this search, Mahmud continued, the Sumenep SAR Alert Unit Team conducted a search using RIB in an area of 9 nautical miles. However, due to bad weather constraints in the waters of the northern sea of Madura, this search effort has not yielded results.

Not only did sea sweeping using RIB and KN SAR Permadi, search efforts were also carried out by carrying out propellants and communicating with ships passing around the search area.

"Yesterday our team communicated with TB. Oscar and Cargo Ship via Marine Chanel to spread the news about the Men's Sumber Mas Ship in the hope that passing ships would also help carry out monitoring and searching as they sailed," he said.

Based on information received, the Putra Sumber Mas ship departed from the port of Brondong Lamongan, to look for fish in marine waters around Masalembu Island, Sumenep Regency, Madura, Saturday, January 6.

After going to sea for 14 days, the Sumber Mas Men's Ship was about to return to Lamongan to pass through the waters of the northern sea of Madura Island, on Saturday, January 20, 2024. However, the ship experienced engine failure because it had entered the sea water at around 07.30 WIB.

A crew member, Ubaid, informed Kapid (the captain who did not sail) about this incident, which was then forwarded to the ship owner, and the Dunkkek fishing association for search assistance. Because the search was fruitless, this was reported to the Sumenep Police Satpolairud officers.

The names of the 15 crew members of the Putra Sumber Mas ship are Rohmat Mustakim (ship captain), Ubaid, Andriko, Suburno, Anton, Nizar, Kasno, Fauzi, Slamet, Budi, Rosid, Mul, Bidin, Nyamek, and Drajat.