Reading Golkar's Political Safari On Omnibus Law

JAKARTA - After meeting with the Chairman of the Democratic Party, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, now Golkar Party Chairman Airlangga Hartarto has welcomed NasDem Party Chairman Surya Paloh along with his staff who came to the Golkar Party DPP office.

Airlangga said the two meetings discussed many things, one of which was the Omnibus Law Bill on Job Creation and Taxation.

For today, Airlangga and Surya Paloh's meeting concludes one agreement, namely evaluating the controversial article of the bill.

"This means that the policy, the Omnibus Law policy, can be passed in the not too distant future," said Paloh after a meeting at the Golkar Party DPP, Jalan Anggrek Neli, Slipi, West Jakarta, Monday, March 9.

However, Paloh believes that the opinion about the controversial articles in this bill is due to haphazard interpretations. Therefore, socialization is needed so that this can be well received.

Meanwhile, Airlangga, who is also the coordinating minister for the economy, added that today's meeting would be reported to President Joko Widodo. Meetings like this, he said, will be a means of communication that will continue to be carried out to finalize future government programs.

"And related to parties that are members of the government, they have been well socialized (about the government's work program)," he said, adding that the Golkar Party would hold a meeting with the National Mandate Party (PAN) next week.

Airlangga added that his party had met with the PDI Perjuangan to discuss the bill. However, the meeting was not exposed to the media.

Meanwhile, while the Golkar Party process toured other parties, PDI Perjuangan plans to create its own team to discuss the Job Creation Bill.

PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto in his written release said that his party supports the issue of the Omnibus Law on Work Creation but needs to conduct studies so that human values, social justice, and efforts to develop the country's economic sovereignty become the ideological foundation of the bill.

"Therefore, the discussion of the bill should not become an arena for economic liberalization which is contrary to Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution. Justice in the economic sector is mandatory," said Hasto.

This special team, said Hasto, will discuss the inventory list of problems in the draft law. Also, the party bearing the bull symbol will listen to input voiced by workers through their organizations, academics, and other parties critical of the draft. After conducting a study, these aspirations will then be conveyed through the PDIP Faction in the DPR RI or through the party's legislative body.

Executive Director of the Indonesia Political Review, Ujang Komarudin, assessed that Golkar was tasked with lobbying the Democratic Party and the Nasdem Party to accept this bill. Ujang also believes that PKS has also been lobbied by the Golkar Party for the Job Creation Bill.

Meanwhile, PDIP, which is a government party, said Ujang, was more tasked with disseminating information to their constituencies, many of whom came from among the workers.

"Golkar is at the forefront and front to lobby other parties. Not PDIP. PDIP is still waiting and seeing. Because PDIP understands very well. Many of their constituents are workers. While the bill threatens the lives of workers. PDIP does not want to be abandoned by workers. considered not fighting for labor rights, "he said.