Police Arrest Father In Toba North Sumatra Who Molested His Daughter For 2 Years, The Perpetrator Ran Away To Jakarta

MEDAN - A man with the initials TN was arrested by police for reportedly molesting his 9 year old daughter. The obscene acts were repeated for about 2 years.

This case came to light after the perpetrator's wife, who is also the victim's mother, BDT, saw the perpetrator molest her daughter on December 21, 2020. Because of this incident, BDT then reported the incident to the police.

"We then immediately carried out the investigation and investigation process in this case," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Toba Police, North Sumatra, AKP Nelson Sipahutar, Tuesday, February 23.

Nelson said the victim admitted that he had been molested by his father from 2018 to December 2020.

"According to the victim's confession, the act had been committed more than 10 times. This was done by the suspect when his wife was not at home," said Nelson.

After being reported, the perpetrator, said Nelson, fled to Medan. On December 29, 2020, the perpetrator met with one of his families.

To his family, the perpetrator admitted that he was fighting with his wife. At the suggestion of his family, the perpetrator left for Jakarta to avoid being chased by the police.

"From the information we got, the suspect was in East Jakarta. For three days we carried out activities there and we got the suspect," said Nelson.

"In Jakarta, TN works as a car washer in the Cakung area," he continued.

The perpetrator was arrested by police on February 19 at the car wash location. The perpetrator in the initial examination admitted his actions.

"The reason the suspect committed sexual immorality was because he was incompatible with his wife, because his wife never provided biological needs," he explained.

Currently the perpetrator is detained at the Toba Police to be accountable for his actions. Because of his lecherous behavior, the perpetrator could face a prison sentence.

The perpetrator was charged under Article 81 paragraph 1 and 3 junto Article 76 D subsidiary Article 82 paragraph 1 and 2 junto Article 76 B Law 17/2016.