Regarding The Sustainability Of Rice Cookers In 2024, ESDM Says This

JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has distributed ricecooker electrical cooking utensils (AML) to 342,621 households out of a total of 500,000 planned.

The Director General of Electricity at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Jisman Hutajulu, said that his party ensured that the AML distribution program would be completed in January.

Then what is the continuation of the program?

Jisman said that the AML program was included in the 2024 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN). However, he ensured that his party would continue to strive for this program to continue by submitting proposals to the DPR.

"This year, our APBN does not yet exist, but we encourage honorable ladies and gentlemen in the DPR so that we continue to strive for the AML budget because it is not bad," said Jisman, who was met at the Directorate General of Electricity Building, Thursday, January 18.

Jisman said this program must continue to be carried out because it has a number of benefits for the community, government, and PLN as the party that provides electricity.

For the community, he said, it would save on household budgets because cooking by using retailers is cheaper than using stoves.

Meanwhile, the government can save on the budget with reduced subsidies that will be used to import LPG from abroad.

"PLN's own income has increased because it can overcome excess electricity capacity," continued Jisman.

Just so you know, throughout 2023, it was recorded that the distribution of riskookers had been carried out as many as 342,621 units out of 500,000 prepared.

DiJisman mengatakan, pemberguian AML tersbut paling banyak dibagikan di Pulau Jawa dan Bali sebanyak 192,890 unit, disusul Sumatra sebanyak 61.040 unit, Sulawesi 36.648 unit, Kalimantan 35.307 unit, Nusa Tenggara 7459, Maluku 5640 dan papua 3637 unit.

"Maybe the question is why Java - Bali is more because this concerns the readiness of electricity because this is a big demand," he added.

Jisman explained that the selection of Java and Bali was because per unit of riskooker needed at least 300 to 350 watts. In addition, excess electricity capacity is also one of the reasons for Java and Bali to get the most AML allocations.