BPK Reveals State Losses From Default Jiwasraya Cases Reached IDR 16.81 Trillion

JAKARTA - The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) of the Republic of Indonesia has issued an official calculation of state losses due to the failure to pay PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) 's policy. Currently, the state-owned company case is being handled by the Attorney General's Office.

Chairman of BPK Agung Firman Sampurna said that based on the results of the audit conducted by BPK, it was found that state losses amounted to Rp16.81 trillion in the case of default.

However, Agung emphasized that this result is still temporary. This means that it is still possible to increase the number. Because, until now, the BPK is still auditing millions of suspicious transactions related to the default case.

"The method we use in calculating state losses is total loss. In which all shares that are allegedly bought illegally are considered to have an impact and the value of state losses is Rp. 16.81 trillion," said Agung, at the Attorney General's Office Complex, Bulungan. , South Jakarta, Monday, 9 March.

Then, continued Agung, the details of the losses consisted of state losses in stock investments amounting to IDR4.65 trillion and state losses due to investments in mutual funds amounting to IDR12.16 trillion.

"The calculation of state losses is related to one of the schemes in Jiwasraya which we know as the Saving Plan. So the Saving Plan is in 2018, so it is related to the Saving Plan from 2008 to at least in 2018," he explained.

Agung explained that the BPK has conducted several investigations with a specific purpose (PDTT) related to the investment made by Jiwasraya. "So there is insolvency and investment policy. So we are deepening this investment policy," he said.

"So from 2008 to 2018. Even though the intensity has increased in 2014, 2015, 2016 and above, that's more or less the description. That is the one whose intensity has increased, but the incident was from 2008," he said.

The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) ensures that the government will pay its obligations to PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) policyholders. Referring to the promise, payments will begin at the end of March.