Key Types That Must Be In The Motorcycle Jok: Remember! Apes Day Not In The Calendar!

YOGYAKARTA - It is undeniable that the existence of a motorbike in an effort to increase mobility is very meaningful. With this 2-wheeled vehicle, everything feels close. Especially for those of you who have high mobility and are in a city with heavy traffic, without a motorbike you can only become someone who is not productive. You also have to know what kind of keys to be in the motorcycle seat, you know!

But having a motorbike is not enough!. For the convenience and safety of driving, a motorbike must always be equipped with several items in it. Therefore, you must know what mandatory equipment must always be in our motorcycle seat. Come on, see the full explanation below!

1. Lock and Lock L

The Pat and Lock L are things that you must provide in the motorcycle seat. Generally, you will immediately get the right key when buying a new motorbike.

The right key that must be on our motorbikes is key number 10, 12, 14 and 16.

For the L key itself, it's actually not used too often. But just keep it up, it's a good idea to just take it, considering it's not so big in size and takes up a lot of space. In addition, to open the caliber brakes of the disk and tighten the footage.

2. Bus key

Because busy is the first thing that you must check when the motorbike is tight, you must always carry the busy key. Especially for motorbikes that are old enough. Generally, it's very often for checking buses.

3. Tang and Obeng

These two equipments must not be absent from your motorcycle seat. In fact, tang is a multipurpose tool that can be used to help you deal with problems on the motorbike. Meanwhile, a screwdriver is very necessary to open all body parts of our motorbike. Try to buy a screwdriver and plier with a compact size to be carried in the seat of our motorbike. With these two items and the right key, there are almost no problems on the road that cannot be overcome.

Types Of Other Important Goods

For those of you who ride a motorbike with a cooling system like the Honda Sonic 150R, you must also bring a coolant. Because sometimes when you are not aware when the water on the radiator runs out, then there is nothing wrong with bringing the coolant to guard it.

But remember, don't mix coolants with ordinary water. Because regular water has average mineral content that can cause corrosion on the radiator. Not only that, you should use one type of coolant, because combining 2 coolants with different brands is also highly not recommended.

Lap PVA or what is usually called a kanebo lap is one of the things you have to bring. Take care of it when it rains and the motorcycle seat gets wet, the existence of this can dry the motorcycle seat. So you won't sit in a wet seat. Not only that, this can help you clean the zone around the shockbreaker so that the dirt doesn't damage the seal of the suspension.

The road conditions will never be easy to predict. You could have left when the hot sun was still strong, and come back when it started to rain. When this kind of raincoat will be very useful if you carry it in the trunk of a motorbike. Make sure our whole body is protected from rainwater. Don't let it rain and even get wind. It's not only good to wear a shoe cover so that our shoes don't get wet too much.

In fact, there are still some other equipment that can add to the comfort and safety of other driving. But because the trunk size of the motorbike is different, it's enough for these 6 items that you must bring. Hopefully by always bringing it, you will not encounter fatal problems on the streets.

In addition, we also provide articles for recommendations for the 'Slow Electric Bike Choice for Sports' which are very useful for your lives.

So after knowing the type of key that must be in the motorcycle seat, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!