MKMK Will Letter To Jakarta Administrative Court Regarding Anwar Usman's Lawsuit
Chairman of the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) I Dewa Gede Palguna said that his party would send a letter to the Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN) regarding the lawsuit of former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman.
Palguna said the letter would be sent tomorrow, Wednesday (17/1). The letter was discussed at the MKMK meeting today, Tuesday, January 16.
"Today's meeting was asked, not a statement, we were asked to convey that attitude by the TUN Court, related to Pak Anwar Usman's lawsuit," said Palguna as quoted by ANTARA.
However, Palguna was reluctant to tell the contents of the letter because he did not want to precede the court. "The letter has been made, but I cannot convey the contents of the letter," he said.
Anwar Usman sued Suhartoyo to the Jakarta Administrative Court on Friday (11/24/2023). Quoted from the official website of the Jakarta Administrative Court Case Tracking Information System (SIPP), Tuesday night, the case has completed its fifth preparation examination.
As stated on the 'Preparatory Inspection' page on the official website, the Jakarta Administrative Court did schedule the MKMK 'Sikap MKMK' agenda on Wednesday (17/1) at 10.00 WIB.
Previously, the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Suhartoyo admitted that he had not received a copy of the lawsuit. Therefore, he did not know the contents of the lawsuit filed by Anwar Usman.
"Not yet getting, formally yes, a copy of the lawsuit. So, what exactly do you want to respond to institutionally?" Suhartoyo said some time ago.
According to Suhartoyo, his determination as Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court replacing Anwar Usman was in accordance with applicable regulations. He also said that Anwar Usman's lawsuit did not interfere with the solidity of constitutional judges at work.
"Institutionally, the products issued are in accordance with applicable regulations, so that later the TUN Court can understand and also strengthen," said Suhartoyo.
Meanwhile, Anwar Usman when met at the Constitutional Court building, Wednesday (10/1), was reluctant to tell the contents of the lawsuit he sent to the Jakarta Administrative Court. However, he admitted that he was ready to come to the Jakarta Administrative Court if he was summoned later.
"Well, I am the citizen who obeys the principles, obeys the law, see," said Anwar Usman.
It is known that Suhartoyo was elected as the new chairman of the Constitutional Court replacing Anwar Usman who was sentenced to dismissal from office by the MKMK. Anwar Usman was declared to have violated the code of ethics and behavior of judges in prosecuting cases Number 90/PUU-XXI/2023 regarding the requirements for the presidential and vice presidential age limit.