Anies Baswedan Promises Quality Access To Health Development

Presidential candidate (candidate) number one Anies Rasyid Baswedan promised the development of quality health access to create a just and prosperous Indonesia.

"Our mission is to build quality access to health. One of the ways to get to Indonesia is just prosperous for all," he said virtually at the National Dialogue of the Professional Community and the Health Association (KOMPAK) with presidential and vice presidential candidates on Indonesian Health Development in Jakarta as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 16.

To realize this step, Anies put forward six strategic agendas in the health sector. Among them are strengthening the role of health centers and the community, hospital services, welfare and protection of health workers, health financing, pharmaceutical independence and medical devices, as well as disease control and health resilience.

He explained that work programs in the health sector were carried out by changing the focus of curative health to the focus of promotive, preventive, and curative health.

In addition, the upward-down instructional approach model will also be replaced with a collaborative and mutual cooperation model that prioritizes democracy

"The difference of views is to be discussed, it is tiring, but much better than the decision and then debated," he said.

Strengthening this, Anies said that health policies in all health in all policies must be realized in developing health in Indonesia.

For this reason, Anies stated that the participation of all stakeholders is needed so as not to create policies that overlap and are effective.

For example, he said, are regulations and policies on water, which are not the authority of the Ministry/Health Office, but play a major role in public health in general, because a number of diseases such as diarrhea and dengue fever can spread through water.

In addition, Anies also said that his party would seek to build parks and invest in the public transportation sector to create cleaner air.

"This interpretation is fiscal, not only the allocation of the Ministry of Health in the health sector, but also other sectors that must also support achieving a healthy ecosystem, that's what we are working on," said Anies Baswedan.