Jambi Floods Expand In 5 Regions, Provincial Government Sets Disaster Emergency Response Status

JAMBI - Five districts and cities in Jambi Province have established emergency response status for floods and landslides or hydrometeorology and now the provincial government is still waiting for reports from other regions, said Jambi Provincial Regional Secretary (Sekdaprov) Sudirman.
"So actually for the official reports that we have received, there are only five regencies/cities that have established emergency response status starting from Kerinci Regency, Sungai Penuh City, Tebo, Batanghari and Merangin districts," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 16.
The Jambi Provincial Government has also appealed to all regencies and cities through their respective Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) to immediately provide further information when the situation has been affected by flooding, to immediately establish an emergency response status.
He added that later, after the determination of the emergency response status, the provincial government would intervene and then provide assistance from the central government and for the initial stage handling carried out by BPBD in their respective regions, they would continue to coordinate with the provincial government.
The provincial government will also intervene in providing assistance that must be given to regencies and cities that have established emergency response status for floods and landslides where the assistance provided will be in the form of blankets, tents, food, drinks as well as all necessary needs including operational costs of Rp250 million per district/city which will be distributed immediately.
Meanwhile, the Jambi Province BPBD issued flood disaster data in districts/cities throughout Jambi Province, namely for Kerinci Regency there were 14 sub-districts affected by floods and nine sub-districts affected by landslides, with details of 4,485 houses damaged, 6,668 families or 19,634 people affected by floods and landslides with 49 educational facilities damaged, 657.3 ha damaged agricultural land, five health facilities damaged and 19 bridge units in eight damaged locations.
Meanwhile, in Sungai Penuh City, there were seven sub-districts that were flooded, namely 6,015 houses damaged, 7,520 families or 23,239 people affected by floods and landslides, 91 educational facilities damaged, 1,139 ha agricultural land damaged, 21 houses of worship damaged, two health facilities damaged, then in Bungo Regency there were 16 sub-districts that were flooded and one landslide sub-district with details of 21,523 families or 83,666 people displaced, 19 units of educational facilities damaged, 564.4 ha agricultural land damaged and one suspension bridge damaged.
Then in Tebo Regency, there were nine flood-affected sub-districts consisting of 13,870 families or 44,692 people affected by the flood, 61 educational facilities were damaged, 210 ha agricultural land damaged and 30 units of health facilities damaged, in Batanghari Regency, eight sub-districts were reported to have been flooded, consisting of 14,081 families or 32,874 people affected by the flood.
Meanwhile, in Muarojambi Regency, there were six sub-districts affected by the flood, Sarolangun, five sub-districts were affected by the flood with five damaged bridge units and three locations were also damaged, then in Merangin Regency it was reported that 10 sub-districts were flooded and Jambi City there were eight sub-districts that were flooded with details of 83 damaged housing units and 90 families or 341 people affected by the flood.