Teenagers In East Lombok Found Dead After Being Hit By Pijot Beach Waves

The Mataram SAR team, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province, together with joint officers evacuated the body of the victim Ilham Maulana (13) who drowned after being dragged by waves on Pijot Beach, Keruak District, East Lombok Regency. "The victim from Langko Village, Janapria District, Central Lombok Regency was found on the second day of the search, Tuesday, in a state of death," said Head of the Mataram SAR Office Lalu Wahyu Efendi, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 16. The incident began when the victim swam with his friend on Pijot Beach, Keruak District, East Lombok District on Monday, January 15. After they took a bath on the beach, suddenly the big waves hit the victim and drowned the victim, while his friend survived. "The victim was hit by waves and drowned," he said. After receiving information on the incident that befell the victim, the joint SAR team from the Kayangan SAR Post, Keruak Police, Polsek NTB, East Lombok SAR Unit, East Lombok Damkar, fishermen, local residents, and other related elements conducted a search since Monday afternoon and the search continued on Tuesday morning.

"The church was found about 100 meters west of the scene. After being evacuated, the victim's body was handed over to the family for burial at the local village cemetery," he said. For this incident, his party appealed to the public to remain alert to the potential for high waves in the waters of West Nusa Tenggara.