Observer: Opportunity For Ganjar Supported By PDIP In The 2024 Presidential Election To Replace Jokowi 50-50

JAKARTA - The release of the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) explained the results of a survey of presidential candidates in the 2024 presidential election and it turned out that some of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) voters moved to Ganjar Pranowo.

Based on the survey, which was held on January 25-31 with 1,200 respondents, LSI found many shifts in support from President Jokowi to Ganjar Pranowo. In the survey, the public voted for Jokowi in the upcoming presidential election up to 18 percent.

While the second choice is Prabowo Subianto with 5.7 percent. Third, Anies Baswedan with 5.7 percent. Fourth, Ganjar Pranowo with a gain of 3.5 percent.

However, if Jokowi's name is issued because he is no longer able to participate in the 2024 presidential election, Prabowo Subianto will be in the top rank with 22.5 percent of voters. Uniquely, the name Ganjar overtook second place at 10.6 percent and Anies at 10.2 percent.

Seeing this condition, LSI Executive Director Djayadi Hanan said that Jokowi's voters in the 2024 presidential election had indeed spread to several figures. However, the largest voter axis will shift to Ganjar.

"If Pak Jokowi's name is not included in the simulation, Pak Jokowi's vote will spread, most of them go to Pak Ganjar. 22 percent of Pak Jokowi's voters in 2019 go to Pak Ganjar", he said in a virtual survey presentation, Monday, February 22.

Djayadi revealed that the reason many Jokowi voters fled to Ganjar was that the Governor of Central Java was the PDI Perjuangan (Party) cadre who carried Jokowi since the 2014 presidential election.

"So we can say that the increase in Pak Ganjar's voice was supported by, among other things, the transfer of Mr. Jokowi's voice to another PDIP cadre, namely Pak Ganjar. With a note, this spread, yes, only the biggest to Pak Ganjar", he explained.

Opportunities for Ganjar Pranowo in the 2024 Presidential Election

Executive Director of Indonesia Political Review (IPR), Ujang Komarudin, in the 2024 presidential election is still unknown because there are still many possibilities that will occur.

"There are still 50-50 opportunities for Ganjar in 2024. It can be done or not. There are still many possibilities", he said when contacted by VOI, Tuesday, February 23.

A similar statement was also made by the Director of the Indonesia Political Opinion (IPO) Dedi Kurnia Syah. He said, Ganjar probably has the highest electability out of several PDIP cadres such as the Chairman of the Indonesian Parliament Puan Maharani. "It's just that, Ganjar's involvement in the PDIP has not seen its dominant potential", he said.

Moreover, Ganjar, who is a member of the DPR RI, was once dragged into the vortex of the KTP electronic (ID card) mega corruption case which was investigated by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and dragged several names including former Chairman of the Indonesian Parliament Setya Novanto.

"He was once mentioned in the vortex of e-KTP case. Of course, it will come back when the contestation period arrives", he said.

The Governor of Central Java, who is also a former member of Commission II of the DPR RI, has indeed been questioned several times by the KPK regarding the e-KTP corruption case. He has been questioned several times as a witness since the investigation of former Interior Ministry officials Irman and Sugiharto, businessman Andi Narogong, to former Chairman of the Indonesian Parliament Setya Novanto.

Ganjar also testified several times in their trials. In fact, Novanto had mentioned that he had received USD 500 thousand from the project which had become bankrupt.

However, this PDIP cadre was denied many times both inside and outside the trial. Ganjar said that he never received any money from a project that caused a loss of IDR 2.3 trillion to the state.

Returning to the results of the LSI survey, what are the chances of Ganjar in the 2024 presidential election? Responding to this, the Chairman of the DPP PDI Perjuangan Djarot Saiful Hidayat said that his party did not close the opportunity for Ganjar to become a presidential candidate for the 2024 presidential election.

However, according to Djarot, there are still many cadres of other parties that can be promoted by PDIP. "It means, 2024 is still open to anyone. Do some say whether Mr. Ganjar will have the opportunity closed? Not necessarily. There are still many candidates. Usually, the determination of the presidential candidate cannot be done at the beginning like this", said Djarot.