Kaesang Pangarep Holds Closed Meeting With Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X

YOGYAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Kaesang Pangarep met with Yogyakarta Governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X at the Kepatihan Complex, Yogyakarta, Sunday, January 14.

The meeting took place behind closed doors, and was only attended by Kaesang and his wife.

When asked by the media crew regarding the meeting, Kaesang said, "yes, it's been answered on my Instagram," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, January 14.

In his upload on Instagram @kaesangp, President Joko Widodo's youngest son said that his meeting with the Governor of Yogyakarta was a gathering. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X also shared his experience while leading Yogyakarta and gave him advice on leadership.

On that day, Kaesang also met with the Regent of Gunung Kidul, Sunaryanta, at the Gunung Kidul Capital Office House in Wonosari, Yogyakarta.

The younger brother of vice president Gibran Rakabuming Raka said that his meeting with the regent was a friendship.

"Just hanging around, there's no political talk at all," he said.

Kaesang this weekend is campaigning for several locations in Semarang and Yogyakarta. The campaign was carried out to garner support for the presidential and vice presidential candidate pair Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka, as well as introduce PSI "the party he started leading in September 2023.

Kaesang hopes that this campaign can make PSI more known to the public to lead his party to qualify for Senayan, after previously failing in the 2019 elections.

Kaesang targets PSI to pass the parliamentary threshold set at 4 percent in accordance with Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections.

The voting for the 2024 legislative members elections was held simultaneously with the presidential election on February 14.