Netanyahu Affirms Israel Remains Attacked By Gaza Despite ICJ's Decision

JAKARTA - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Saturday (13/1), vowed to continue his country's war on the Gaza Strip, despite the demands of genocide filed by South Africa at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague.

"We will continue the war in the Gaza Strip until we reach all our goals. The Hague and the axis of crime will not stop us," Netanyahu told reporters, without explaining what was meant by a "crime case". Quoted by Antara, Sunday.

Noting that Saturday marked 100 days of war, which has so far claimed the lives of more than 23,800 people in Gaza, he said that Israel would continue the war until its goal was achieved.

The goal includes the destruction of the Palestinian Hamas resistance group, repatriation of all hostages, and ensuring the enclave "does not pose a threat" to future countries.

"To achieve this goal, we will propose a budget tomorrow (Sunday) which will generate more funds for security," Netanyahu added.

He also discussed the Philadelphia Corridor issue, a 14-kilometer-long narrow plot of land (8.7 miles) that stretches along the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt.

Netanyahu said that without control over the route, Israel "cannot eliminate Hamas, and we are considering all options related to it."

The Israeli prime minister said Tel Aviv would "not move funds to the Palestinian Authority that could help Hamas in any way."

The International Court of Justice in The Hague held public hearings on Thursday (11/1) and Friday (12/1) as part of the beginning of a case filed last month by South Africa against Israel over alleged "genocidal crimes" against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

The court is expected to determine the next steps in the coming days regarding a lawsuit filed by South Africa against Israel.