Positive Thinking, Sandy Tumiwa Always Applies 3M And Is Ready To Be Vaccinated
JAKARTA - 3M disciplinary behavior: wearing masks, washing hands, and maintaining distance must continue to be done to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus. 3M must be accustomed to it in everyday life, especially in the midst of a pandemic situation like today.
Based on international research, wearing cloth masks can reduce the risk of transmitting COVID-19.
Washing hands is 3M's step that can also reduce the risk of transmitting COVID-19 by turning off the virus in your hands so that it doesn't enter the body.
Wash your hands using soap for 20-30 seconds and apply the correct steps. If under certain conditions, such as no water and soap or unable to use water and soap to clean hands, another solution is to use a liquid that is at least 60 percent alcohol-based, such as a hand sanitizer.
The most important implementation of 3M is maintaining social distancing with a minimum distance of 1 meter, including by avoiding crowds.
"Let's apply 3M. Success together, greetings to all health," said Sandy when met in the Mampang Prapatan area, Jakarta some time ago.
In addition, Sandy also admitted that he was ready to receive a vaccine. "I am ready to get a vaccine, because we believe that the government is the servant of the people. If we believe, we can build our immunity," he explained.
Sandy Tumiwa emphasized that apart from 3M, maintaining immunity is also very important. Therefore, he did not want to be negative. "If we are negatively minded, we can reject it, even the good ones are rejected. Therefore, don't be negatively minded," he said.